Chapter 1 - A vow that cannot be broken

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In the dead of night, two shadowed figures trudged through the rain, their footsteps making sloshing sounds in the dark.

"Narcissa, it is a bad idea!" whispered a female voice.

One of the shadows had stopped and caught the other by the arm. The other shook them off.

"I've told you, Bella," the other snapped. "I have decided. I am not changing my mind. Turn back if you must, but I will not."

The second voice was female too. She set off again, the one named Bella heaving a sigh before heading off behind her. They eventually reached a small house set in the middle of a small, recluse town and knocked on the door. At once, the front door opened. Bella looked around her, and they went in, lowering their hoods as they stepped into the small room where a fire blazed in the grate. The room was small and simple. A carpet on the floor, an oak table on which a bottle stood, with a matching chair, two red armchairs and a brass chandelier.

The first woman, who was named Narcissa, was a worn, blond woman who looked nervous but determined. She was the wife of Lucius Malfoy, recently imprisoned. The other, Bella, short for Bellatrix, was her sister. She had long, unkempt black hair, wide, crazed eyes and a face that had once been attractive, but was now marred by years of imprisonment. They turned to look at the black figure behind them. He had dark sleek hair, a hooked nose, black eyes and long black robes. He eyed them a moment, seeming to recognise them. He raised an eyebrow, then said:

"Evening, ladies."

"Snape." Bella said coldly.

He stepped back to let the women in.

"Bellatrix, Narcissa. What may I do for you?"

"I must speak with you, Severus. It is most urgent."


She hesitated.

"I... I was supposed to tell no one, but...."

"Then be silent," Bella snapped. "Particularly here!"

"And what," Snape asked coolly "do you mean to say by that, Bellatrix?"

"That I don't trust you, as you well know, Snape!" she hissed. "Where were you when the Dark Lord fell? Why did you not attempt to find him? What did you do all those years in Dumbledore's pocket? Why did you stop the Dark Lord from obtaining the Philosopher's stone five years ago? Why did you not return at once when the Dark Lord was reborn? Where were you a few weeks ago, when we failed to retrieve the prophecy? And why is that runt Potter still alive when she was at your mercy for the past five years?"

Snape eyed Bellatrix for a moment, then stood slowly up.

"Do you think, Bellatrix, that the Dark Lord has not already asked me each and every one of those questions?" he asked icily, stepping towards her. "And that I would be standing in front of you right now, had he been unsatisfied by my answers to those queries?"

She faltered.

"Well... I know he trusts you, however..."

"However," Snape interrupted; "you think I somehow tricked Lord Voldemort? The greatest wizard and most accomplished Legilimens the world has ever known?"

Bellatrix did not argue, so Snape continued.

"You ask me where I was when the Dark Lord fell." he said. "I was where he had ordered me, and that was at Hogwarts. He wished me to spy on Albus Dumbledore. You are aware, I suppose, that I took the position on his orders?"

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