Chapter 24 - Conflicting views

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Megan didn't see Dumbledore morethan twice over the next few weeks. Where was he, and doing what? Shedoubted he'd forgotten their lessons... but then, what was he doing?She'd felt bolstered, comforted. Now, she was feeling slightlyabandoned. But one evening, she came across a sign in the commonroom. Their first Hogsmeade visit was in a few days! She'd wonderedwhether they would still be allowed in the current situation. She wasglad to see they were. It would be nice to get out for a few hours...and it would mean a chance to see Cedric! She pulled her coin out.

Hey, Cedric! First Hogsmeadevisit next Saturday!

Really? I wasn't sure they'dmaintain them, he commented.

I know, I was surprised too.Please say you can make it?!

There were a few seconds pause.

I think Ican. I'll let you know, hesaid.

Great. I can't wait.

Me neither. Sorry, love, gotto go. Talk to you later. I love you.

I love you too.

She put her coin in her pocketand was about to head to dinner when she heard Harry and Ron comingdown from their dormitory laughing.

"You look happy aboutsomething. What's going on?" Megan asked.

Ron and Harry finally managed tostop chortling enough to answer.

"Well, Harry tried this spellfrom his book. It lifted me upside down by the ankle!" Ron giggled.

"What?! Harry, are you crazy?"

"There was the spell to sethim free too," Harry replied defensively. "I mean, look at him,he's fine! He wasn't hurt or anything."

"Yeah, it was fun."

This wasn't the first timesomething like this had occurred. Harry had taken an unpleasant habitof trying out the spells he found in his book, which he reckoned theHalf Blood Prince had invented himself. One caused toenails to growextremely fast (Harry'd used this on Crabbe, to Megan's horror), orone that made you able to have conversations without people aroundhearing it. The only one to enjoy these was Ron. Hermione and Meganwere both very disapproving but nothing they said registered withHarry.

"So you're saying you tried,again, a spell you had never seen before and had no idea what itdid?'" Megan said, raising a reproachful eyebrow as she crossed herarms.

"It was harmless, look, Ron'sfine!" Harry said, gesturing to him.

"But you didn't know until youtried it!" Megan snapped. "Without understanding its effects!What if it had wounded him? What if you hadn't been able to get himdown? He could have died from the blood surge!"

Hermione agreed with her. AndMegan was astounded that Harry hadn't reacted more at the prospect ofRon dying. They continued to argue down the hallway until they hadreached the great Hall.

"I don't see what you'reso twisted up about, nothing happened!" Harry grumbled.

"We know that, but we don'tthink it's very clever to just cast spells you don't knowanything about!" Megan retorted.

They were careful not to beoverheard, but everyone was chattering away themselves, so no onetook notice of them.

"It wasn't in any of the spellbooks we have, so it's probably not Ministry approved," Hermionesaid as they sat down to dinner. "Plus, I'm starting to think thisHalf Blood Prince character was a bit dodgy, personally."

"So am I," Megan concurred.

"I wouldn't have done it ifit was dangerous."

"But that's exactly ourproblem, Harry," Megan said wearily. "You have no idea what thosespells do, and you just use them without thinking about it! It'sreckless and dangerous. So for the love of Merlin, please at leastlook into the spell before you use it."

"It was just a laugh, girls,"Harry said.

"Hanging people upside down bythe ankle?" Hermione snorted. "Who even does stuff like that?"

"Fred and George," Ron said."Sounds like something they'd do."

Megan sighed, her half eatensausage on her fork. It wasn't entirely untrue.

"My dad." she said. "Heused it too."

"And they're not the onlyones," Hermione added. "Remember the Quidditch Cup?"

At last, Harry looked hesitant.

"Yeah, but that wasdifferent," Ron insisted stubbornly. "They were abusing it. Harrywouldn't do that. You're just jealous because he's gotten better thanyou at Potions."

"It has nothing to do withthat!" Hermione snapped angrily. "I just think it's foolish,dangerous and irresponsible to play around with spells you don't knowthe first thing about! Imagine the mayhem it would be if we all didthe same as you!"

"And I agree," Megan saidbefore Ron or Harry could protest. "Look, we know you don't meanharm, Harry, but that book is... weird. And Hermione's right,there's something distinctly shady about this Prince guy."

"If he was a budding DeathEater, he wouldn't be boasting about being a Half Blood, now wouldhe?" Harry pointed out stubbornly.

"Death Eaters can't all bepure bloods, there aren't enough left," Megan said curtly. "Iexpect most of them are just pretending."

"And they only hate Muggles,you and Ron would be free to join." Hermione said.

"I'd never be allowed to be aDeath Eater!" Ron said indignantly. "They all know about how myfather likes Muggles! My family are blood traitors! We're as bad asMudbloods, in their book!"

"And I'm his best friend, sothat's no better," Harry pointed out. "The only one they might beinterested in is Megan. If they weren't trying to kill her everyother day."

That made Ron laugh, and evenHermione and Megan smiled slightly.

"Hey, Megan? I'm supposed togive you this."

It was Ginny, holding out a rollof parchment.

"Oh, thanks, Ginny." Megansaid.

"Want to join us in Hogsmeade,Ginny?" Harry asked.

"Sorry, I'm going with Dean,"she told him. "Might see you there," she added, waving as sheleft.

"Yeah... see you," Harrysaid, looking slightly put out.

Megan turned to the roll of parchment.

 "It's Dumbledore's nextlesson," she whispered. "Monday evening."

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