Two: Pitt Stop

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Word Count: 1081

*Peighton's POV*

We get to Walmart and Alisha is gone the second she steps foot out of the van. "I don't think she had to go that bad." Nash jokes as we all laugh.

"Better go while we're here. We might not be able to stop for a while." Elizabeth (Nash, Hayes, and Skylynn's mom) says as her, Alisha's mom (Anna, with her babies) , my mom (Sheryl), and Cam's mom (Gina) catch up with us.

"Yeah traffic gets pretty bad up here." My mom adds in.

"Then we should get some snacks too." I say, knowing Alisha's going to want some as well.

"Good idea." Cam's mom says.

We get into Walmart and I go into the bathroom to wait for Alisha. To my surprise it's dead silent and I don't see any feet under the stalls. "Alisha?" I call out, confused as to where she is. I don't get an answer, so I try again. "Alisha? I know your in here." Okay that's a lie, but I don't want her to jump out and scare me.

"Sorry." She says, walking out of a stall.

"Did you not flush?" I ask, confused.

"What? Oh, I lied. I didn't really have to go. I just said that so I could have a minute to myself." She shrugs.


"Why not?" She fiddles with her fingers.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She lies.

"You're lying. I can tell when you're lying." I sass, trying to get her to give in.

She sighs in defeat, "I am fine, I just... had a bad dream."

"About?" I press on.

"It was weird. It was like really dark and I was kissing someone," She pauses, "Someone who wasn't Nash. I don't know who, but I know it wasn't him. Next thing I knew I was walking on these tracks with Hayes, just goofing off like normal. We were up pretty high, but once we got to a certain point we met up with Nash and Taylor. Nash was mad about something and was throwing this huge fit. Then he started throwing punches. He went for Taylor, but Hayes got in the way to try and stop him. It was almost like Romeo and Juliet. Romeo got in the way, (spoiler alert for those who haven't read it or gotten that far in the story yet.) and Mercutio ended up getting stabbed and dying. Hayes didn't get stabbed, but he ended up losing balance and falling off. God It felt so real." Her voice went to a whisper halfway through explaining for some reason.

"Whoa." I say, not really knowing what to say.

"I know. I just, don't really want to even look at Nash right now. It sounds stupid, and I know it wasn't real, but god it was just so...vivid. Crazy. Inexplicable. It kind of gives me bad feelings about this whole deal, but I'm probably just being ridiculous. Speaking of ridiculous, why the hell aren't you and Matt dating yet?" She changes the subject, and succeeds in turning my cheeks colors.

"Because." I respond simply.

"Oh don't give me that, crap! You two obviously like each other! All you two ever do is flirt. You can't tell me you don't want to date him."

"We both don't want a relationship right now. It's best if we just stay like we are now." I reply, not being completely truthful, but somewhat truthful.

"Well okay. If you say so." She winks at me and rolls her eyes. "I'm hungry. Let's go get some snacks." That's typical Alisha.

We walk into the snack isle and it doesn't take long at all to find some of the boys. Nash, Cameron, and Taylor are singing obnoxiously to some song while grabbing handfuls of snacks.

"I think I'm going to go find Matt and the other boys." I say, walking away from the noisy isle.

"I think I'll jo-" Before she can finish, she's cut off by Nash.

"Babe! Come join us." Nash laughs, throwing his arm over her shoulder before she can come with me. I just laugh at her and keep on walking.

I check the toy isle and find the other three boys "sword" fighting, so I grab one and whack Matt in the back before he has time to notice my presence. "Got'cha!" I laugh, backing up as he falls to the ground, wailing.

"Peighton! Y-you-you stabbed me! How could you!" He cries, fake dying. We all laugh at him, then Hayes suddenly jabs me with his sword. I fall to the ground, not as dramatic as Matt, but pretty dramatic too.

"Ha ha, Karma's a bitch." Matt laughs at me.

"Shut up, Mattchu." I smile and shake my head.

*Alisha's POV*

Peighton leaves me as Nash walks me over to the other boys. "You turd." I mutter to him, laughing.

Nash gasps and steps back, placing a hand over his heart. "That was rude." He acts as if I really did hurt is feelings.

"So is your face." I tease back, sticking my tongue out at him and rolling my eyes with a giggle.

"Ooh burn." Taylor says, covering his mouth with his fist. I roll my eyes again and turn to face the candy.

I grab a bag of mini Kit Kats and a giant Hershey's bar. I hear whispers coming from behind me, but decide it's best not to look back. They're probably doing something stupid or planning something to mess with me, so it's probably best if I just keep looking for a snack.

Within seconds I feel arms snake around my waist and a chin resting on my shoulder. "What happened to your snacks?" I ask, looking up at Nash.

He chuckles and says, "Don't worry about it. I sat it down. You worry about the weirdest things."

"I worry because I care, goofball. Where'd the other's go?" I ask noticing they're non-existing presence.

"To go with the others." I can feel Nash shrug as he talks. I turn around to face him, entwining my fingers with his.

"Is that what you were whispering about?" I question, cocking an eyebrow.


"You're so... weird." I laugh, hitting his arm playfully with my free hand.

"So are you!" He retorts.

"Shut up, Grier." I act as if I were going to give him a kiss, then lean over last minute and kiss his cheek before skipping off.

"What the hell?" He calls, catching up with me shortly as I start to walk.

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