Three: Blue Lights

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{A/N: I know this isn't all too good so far, but I'm still trying to warm up my writing skills. It's been so long since I wrote and I'm trying to get back into it. Hopefully it'll get better soon! Much love to all! Thank you for taking your time to read this!!}

Word Count: 812

*Peighton's POV*

Once we're back in the van the seating changes up. Taylor's driving with Cam in the passenger's seat, I'm in the middle between Hayes and Matt, and Nash is in the middle of Carter and Alisha.

The van gets kinda messy pretty quickly because the boys decide to throw food at each other instead of eating it. On top of that, Taylor and Cameron are up there making strange noises, Matthew and Hayes are picking on me, and Carter, Nash, and Alisha are singing obnoxiously. This is going to be a long three and a half hours left of a ride.

Around half an hour later flashing blue lights catch my eye, and I get a sinking feeling in my gut. "Oh my God, Taylor what'd you do?" Carter says as Cameron turns down the music.

"I didn't do anything!" Taylor retorts.

"Then why are there freaking cops pulling us over?" Nash runs his hands through his hair, looking behind us as Taylor pulls over.

"I don't freaking know!" Taylor exclaims, groaning.

"Are you serious? You just got freaking pulled over. Our moms are going to be freaking out!" More like Hayes is freaking out.

"Okay, let's all calm down!" Alisha shouts. "We're all wearing our seat belts. No one is drinking, no one is smoking. I'm sure if anything, it'll just a warning. Taylor, just don't run your mouth and we should be good." She tries to reassure everyone.

"Peighton your dad's a cop. Can't you sweet talk him?" Matthew asks me.

"You watch too much TV. That crap doesn't work." Alisha laughs.

"Yeah it does!" He argues.





"Stop acting like children!" I laugh.

"He started it." Alisha playfully pouts.

"No, she started it!"

"Will you two knock it off? The cop is coming." Cameron turns back around, facing the front.

"Sorry." Alisha laughs.

"Do you know why I pulled you over?" The cop asks Taylor, looking kinda angry.

"No I really don't." Taylor says.

"Sir." Alisha coughs in the background.

"Sir." Taylor adds in.

"So you were unaware you were going fifty miles above the speed limit?" The cop asks angrily.

"Oh my God." Carter, Matthew, Hayes, and Nash all groan.

"There's no way." Taylor straightens his posture, obviously getting ready to argue. "I know I was doing the speed limit." Taylor starts rambling on, until the cop starts laughing.

"Relax kid, I was just messing with you. I just wanted to give y'all a heads up that one of the prisoners from a few miles down has escaped. His name is Josh Morgan, he's 16, 5'11", around 140 pounds with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. Here's a flyer for y'all to keep if you need it." He hands Taylor the paper, then continues to talk. "He has a history of violence, and was put in for killing his whole family along with his neighbors. If you see him please call 911, or the number on the paper immediately and get as far away as you can." He goes on, but I stop listening.

We could quite possibly run into this guy and he could kill us, hijack the van, or whatever. Or what if he's heading to Arlington too and he just so happens to kill us there. Or what if he ends up at my Uncle's vacation house and we end up like one of those lame scary movies that people love watching.

*Alisha's POV*

"So, where y'all heading?" The cop asks after his huge rant.

"Arlington." Taylor says simply.

"Six Flags, huh? So I take it it's already summer break for you all?" Don't get me wrong, these guy seems friendly and all, but golly we need to get going.

"For some of us, yeah." Cameron says.

"Oh. Where's y'all's parents? You aren't kidnapping those two lovely ladies back there, are ya?" The officer jokes. We all kind of chuckle.

"Surprisingly not." Taylor laughs.

"Our mom's are actually parked behind you, too." Cam adds in.

"Oh, I see them now. Well, I let you kids get going. Have a fun trip. Drive safely." He walks away and gets back into his car.

"Well that was something." I say before we all start cracking up and making fun of the poor guy.

Peighton sends me a text, noting that she's a little worried about that, and I agree. Neither one of us really want to say anything to the guys though, because well they're guys and they have a much different perspective on the situation.

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