Not an update, sorry. ):

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I know it's been a while since I updated. I apologize. 

The thing is, I have a problem, and I'm well, trying to address it, but I'm kind of on my own with it... so I'm a bit wobbly with it. There's still this dark feeling inside of me, and I'm trying to darnedest to get rid of it, and I apologize so much.

I really shouldn't have told you guys that, because it's not your problem to deal with, and you shouldn't have to listen to my crap. Sorry. 

Anyways, to the point, I'm not updating for a while. The two reasons being, a) my problem, and b) I'm bored with the story, and working on an Aaron one. I've found out I'm most definitely an Aaron girl... and so I'm more interested in that. But I probably won't update much on that either (once I publish it).

I'm so sorry. 

My friend did offer to write this for me, but I told her no. I have this whole story planned out, and I want to be the one to write it (that and I'm not giving her my password). It will be done eventually, but as of right now, I just need time guys. 

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. Especially for being selfish on this. I just have a hard time writing something I'm bored with... and then there's so much going on at once, and I just need time, okay? Give me time to build my motivation back and to completely get better, okay? 

I'm sorry. 

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