Bipolar Depression #2

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I am having so much trouble writing I could cry. I can't focus and need to because I'm a writer by profession and I need to write or I won't be able to publish my book.

So today's goal is to schedule a bus to go to my therapist. And to text my old teacher to get some help getting back into a program I was in when I was 18.

My writing goal today is to write something. Anything. Maybe even just 100 words.

I'm going to try and write a chapter of GASP and a few words on one of my two books. Writing Advice(Not Yet Published) and The Androgynous Wonder(Chapter 1 Available Now)

One more goal is to finish this post and make it at least 200 words.

I want to ask for your help and support again in GASP with at least 100 words. I hope I can get through this cause I need to try and get out of my slump. I don't want to be depressed anymore. I just want to go back to being my quirky happy self instead of faking it like I've been doing for months.

Thanks for you guys support I really needed it. It helped me get out of the slump for a few days but I slipped back in.

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