My Past

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No One's POV

The two stayed at the cemetery longer than they expected. It was barely pass 9 and they were still at the cemetery. They did receive multiple calls from their sisters and friends but they didn't bother to take any calls.

"Eomma are you disappointed?" Mark spoke to his mum's grave while sobbing lightly. "I'm sure you are and I know you didn't expect me to turn out this way too". He smiled bitterly. Chaeng beside him starting patting his shoulder.

"Oppa Nini would never be disappointed in you. I'm sure she'll accept you the way you are and she'll probably support throughout every decision you make". He smiled when Chaeng said those words. "Remember when I told her I was gay?" He nodded. "I was actually nervous and freaking out about what her reaction would be. I thought she would just shout at me and say horrible things like what your dad and step-mum did but it turns out to be the opposite way".

"What was her reaction?" Mark asked full of curiosity.

"She hugged me and told me that I shouldn't ever be ashamed of who I really am and that she'll love me and support every decision I make". Tears started flowing from their eyes once again. "I miss her Oppa". She said in a whisper but loud enough for Mark to hear. She had her head down sobbing lightly.

Mark hugged Chaeng and they decided to stay a little bit longer. They check the time and it was already 11 but they didn't care about it but what caught their attention was the missed calls from their sisters and friends.

Chaeng received more than 400 missed called from both her friends and sisters while Mark got just more than 200 missed called. They both got thousands of texts messages as well.

"Should we call back?" Mark asked.

"I think so". Chaeng answered and Mark nodded before dialing Jeongyeon's number.

It didn't took her longer than 3seconds before she answered the phone and started shouting over it.

[WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU TWO BEEN? I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU FOR THE PAST 3HOURS AND YOU DIDN'T PICK UP YOUR PHONE EVEN ONCE. DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING WORRIED I AM?]. Even if she's not on speaker mode it seems like she was because her voice is so loud that the two have to move the phone a bit farther from their ears.

[You know you don't have to shout right? We can both hear you perfectly and is there anyone else near you?]. Mark said while bringing the phone closer to his mouth but didn't press it on his ear.


[Okay we'll tell you but please lower your voice first]. Mark said and a sigh was heard on the other line.

[Fine. Now can you two please tell me where you've been?]. She toned down her voice and asked nicely this time.

[We came to visit Nini]. Chaeng said.

[Nini? Wait you mean Mark's--] she didn't get to finish her question cos Mark cut her off.

[Yes and now we're heading back if that's what you're wondering]. He said while they walk towards Chaeng's car that was outside and quickly got in.

[Why didn't you tell me? I wanted to go too]. She said in an upset tone.

[Mianhae Jeongyeon-ah but I just want to come with only Chaeng today]. He explain in a sad tone.

[You don't have to apologize cos I understand].

[You do?]

[Yes. Anyway have you two eaten-- I don't have to ask that because surely you haven't. I'll make something for you guys to eat so get home faster]. They both hummed as a respond. [Ohh and Chaeng]

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