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Jeonghun X Kristy


Jeonghun's POV

It's been a few years now after I've taken over my dad's company. It's hard at first but my sister helped me a lot. She knows more than I do.

I'm here now with my employees at the beach in Busan. They've been working hard so I think they deserve a rest.

"Boss c'mon everyone is waiting for you!" I turn to my employee and smiled at her.

"I'll be there in a sec". She nodded and walked back up to where everyone else is.

I sighed out loud. I'm happy but sadly I'm still single. Most of my employees already have a love life while here I am still single.

Talking about love I'm suddenly reminded of my sister. I visited them last month and Baekhyun was such a lovely boy. He's so cute.

He would run over to me and call me uncle cutely with his eyes always brimming in excitement.

He's currently 4 years old now and Mina noona already has another one in her womb. Seeing how happy my sister is also makes me happy. She deserves it.

I decided to go back to where my employees are and drank with them. Despite me being the company's CEO I'm quite close to my employees.

I'm strict when it comes to work but I know when to let loose and have fun.


I excused myself and pick up the phone call from my sister.


[Uncle!] I chuckled hearing his cute voice.

[What's up little dude?]

[Uncle! Uncle!]. Yeah apparently that's all he could say to me. [I missed you]. He's so cute I can't-

[I missed you too].

[When are you coming back??]. Poor Baekhyunie, his mom just took the phone.

[Maybe in a few weeks. Don't worry, Minho hyung will handle things at the company while I'm out]. I've been working my asses off these years so I decided to take a short break.

[I'm not worried about the company, I'm worried about you dumbass]. I can imagine her rolling her eyes right now. [You better be home before Monday. If you miss Irene's birthday, I swear I will haunt you down and forbid you from taking days off]. I know she'll use that to threatened me.

[Yaaa noona you know I won't. I never miss out on the kid's birthdays]. Actually I almost missed out on Irene's birthday last year hehe. It's understandable that she have to remind me. [I'll be home before Monday noona. I won't be late but noona ... I have something to say].

[Go ahead].

[I invited my friends over to Irene's birthday this year. Would that be okay??].

[They're your friends, I don't see any problems with it]. She's aware of what I'm trying to say I know she does.

[Well y'know ... if my friends shows up it means she will too].

[Emm so?]

[Noona, Kristy is also gonna come].

[What's with you?? If Kristy shows up it's not like she's gonna go after me again would she?? I'm married Son Jeonghun. I have a wife and a son. Do you think after Kristy sees me with my family, she'll still dare go after me?? Are you dumb or what??]. Ohh fuck me! I pissed her off. Damn it! [Listen here you dumbass. Kristy isn't stupid. I haven't known her long enough to know what she's really like but at least I know that she's not that shameless].

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