Shocking story from him...

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Still Sarah's POV

He finally pulled away. "So how was that love?" Ugh... Just like Harry. "I hate it! Just leave me alone!" He smirked. "Never. So you didn't met my brother Harry yet? Aww.... How cute, you're scared. So you're not his.. I can make you mine now! Come with me." Never.

"I would never ever come with you or even wanna be yours. You raped me!! Remember. Besides i don't want a bo-" He cutted me off. "So what!? Okay. I'm sorry for raping you. But i changed a lot you know?." Should i believe him. No of course not!! He's a liar.

"Maybe Harry wanna help me with this. I should give him a call right now." Wow wait what!? NOOOOOO........ "NO!! DON'T!!" He smirked again. He looked just like Harry. It could be Harry but he isn't. "Aww.. Little girl still scared? Or do you maybe hve a little secret for me?. If you don't tell what your secret is then i will rape you again. But then harder so you will bleed." He laughed.

But i was shocked and scared. "H-h-he... I-i-is... Just don't. P-p-please?." My voice was almost a whisper. "What is he? And why just don't? Did you meet him!? I think you already did. You called me Harry, then you just realized it was me. Edward. Is there something?" He asked me.

"Is he your friend? Does he bully you or something? Do you hate him as much as you hate me? No you don't. You hate him more!! He's a fucking fucker, womanizer, heartless whore!!" He is what!? How can he say something like that about his brother!? Edward is a heartless whore not Harry! "NO! YOU ARE A HEARTLESS WHORE!! NOT HARRY!!" I yelled at him.

He looked in my eyes and smirked. Shit. He knows. "So you think i am!? Do you know him or something? Yes of course you do. What did he do to ya?" "He nothing, you raped me. You have no ri-" He cutted me off. I hate it when somebody cuts me off. "Are you guys friends with each other? Or what?" Shit. What do i say!?

"No. I just met him two days ago. In Starbucks. He's nice. And he's nothing like you. So please leave me alone?" He nodded and smiled at me. Wow, that's a whole new side of him. "I'll promise that i won't hurt you or something like that. Can you just not forgive me!?"

Forgive. Him!? No. "No. What you did was.... Stupid and.... I hate you! I can't trust you and i don't believe you!" He looked sad. "Please. Try. Trust me. Nobody does. Nobody gives me a chance. Can you not just for once try to trust me?" He letted a tear slip.

"Why should i Edward? Tell me one damn good reason why!?" He looked so broken. "Nobody gives me a chance. They always try to stay away from me. Far i away. But i have chaged. A lot. I don't do that stuff anymore. It's always Harry who gets everything. Always him. We are twin-brothers. When we both turned sixteen on the same day.... He.... We celebrated the part together. And guess what!? Yes of course i've got gifts to but he.. He got more expensive gifts and all the attention was given to him!! I just felt lonely. He could invite all his friends and believe me, he had a lot of friends. I couldn't invite them because there wasn't enough cake or something. It was just not fair. The day after our birthdays he stole my girlfriend. The day after that i knocked the living hell out of him. I know that... It was just so fuilt. It was the biggest mistake i ever made. I leaved him there alone laying, slowly dying on the street. The day after that i'll woke up and my mom called. She said Harry was in the hospital. She said that somebody knocked him out but that he gladly was still alive. He only lost his memory. A few weeks later when he got his memory back he knocked me out but nobody helped me. He started the whole womanize thing and... I didn't want to do that too but i just began with the whole womanize, fucking, raping thing. Just like Harry. Some people asked me why i came back to them again. Then i just knew Harry fucked them first so i just leaved without fucking them. Harry challenged me to rape you. Not i. I didn't want to. But if i didn't he would kill mom. Stupid decision. I knew he would never ever kill mom. But i was drunk to so i couldn't think straight. I'm so sorry. Dont come to close by him because he will only hurt you just like i hurted you. I only can say sorry and ask you to forgive me.?" Wow. What!? No. No. No. No. No.

"God! I'm so sorry for ya Edward. I didn't know all of this shit at all. And Edward. I trust you and i will believe you. But first i really need to talk to Harry." I gave him a kiss fully on the lips and began walking away. But he grabbed my wrist. I turned around. "Why do you have to talk to Harry first?" He asked. He looked confused. I'll understand why he was confused. "Because.."

I'm just gonna tell him and hope he won't do anything stupid. "Because Harry is my boyfriend. I'm sorry." I tried to walk away but he didn't let me go. "It's okay. He will never tell you the same but just talk to him okay? Oh and if he ever hurts you, in which way than ever.... Call me." I nodded. We exchanged numbers to each other and then i walked away. I texted my mom that i won't be home and that i'm eating by Harry and maybe sleepover at his place.

She texted back that it's okay. Ow how i love my mom. I walked back to Harry's house. I knocked on the door. Oh god this is it. He opened the door. "You already missed me babe?" He smirked. I smiled. "Yes i did. Can i come in, eat here and maybe sleepover?" He smiled widely. "Yes of course!! Come in." I walked in the house. This it. I'm just gonna say it. "Harry?" "Yes?"

"I saw Edward. I talked to him. He didn't do anything to me. You guys just stopped him away you guys just... I know what he did to you and it was so wrong!! Why didn't you tell me you lost your memory and why did you challenged Edward to rape me while you guys were drunk!? HARRY!? TELL ME, PLEASE..." He looked angry and sad at the same time.

"OUT!!" He yelled. "What!?" "I SAID OUT!! NOW!!!" He yelled louder if that was even possible. "WHY!? WHAT DID I DO WRONG!?" Then he slapped me. On my cheek. It was hard. "OUT!! WE'RE OVER!!" I can't believe what he just said. What did i do wrong? "OKAY!!" I yelled.

"But i have just 3 questions for you Harry." He walked closer to me. "And.. What are the 3 questions?" He calmed down. "Okay.. First question is... Can you kiss me for the last time?" He nodded. He kissed me.

"Don't go please. I didn't ment it!!" He said. "I would never ever leave ya!!"


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