An overdose...

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Sarah's POV

After Harry came and left i walked back inside, upstairs to my room. I lie down on my bed. I am tired and heartbroken. The only thing wanna do is sleep. Sleep until he comes back. But i know i can't. And i know he doesn't. Why does it hurts so much. It hurts when you have someone in your love but you can't have them in your arms.

Edward can be so caring but i just don't feel it. He still raped me. I lost my virginity to him and i didn't even want to. He's maybe the twin-brother from Harry but that doesn't mean he's the same as him. Harry is so much more. Nobody compares to him.

Harry is amazing. He's careful. He cares for me. He protects me. His beautiful smile and his amazing dimples. His beautiful eyes. I can get lost in them like forever. His tattoo's. His bad jokes. His voice. How he makes me happy. His whole personality. Him. Just... Him.

Why the fuck am i still so in love with him after waht he did to me!? He cheated on me more than once and stil i'm in love with him. Sometimes at night i imagined my whole lifewith him. My future. How he would propose to me. How the wedding would be. Our honeymoon. Then me getting pregnant. Our children would be so lovely, amazing and beautiful.

But now.... Now i have to remind myself that all of would never ever be happening. He's not here. We are not together. He doesn't want a bitch and slut like me. I'm a whore. I'm a nothing! Maybe it's better if i'm dead. My ife has no point without him in it. He was my life. Now....

Now my life is gone. Everything in me. He left and took me with him. I'm empty. I don't wanna live anymore. It's to terrible. I can't. I just can't. I'm gonna cut again. But... But i promised Harry i wouldn't cut anymore. But he isn't here to stop me. And... Promises are there to break. So why not!? NO! I'm not doing that again. I can't. I would never ever break a promise.

I have to do something else. Hmm..... Think Sarah, think. Uhm.... An overdose! But from what!? I have no medicines. Of course! Drugs. Edward. He has drugs, right!? Of corse he has!

I jumped out of bed and runned downstairs to the living room. Edward sat still on the couch watching some tv. "Uhm.... Edward?" He looked at me and smiled. "Yes?" Okay this is it. Just ask him. It's a normal question, right!? No of course not! It isn't a normal question!! Ugh... Whatever.

"Do you maybe have some drugs?" I asked with a smile on my face. He grinned ad me and nodded. "Yes of course! Why!?" Just give me some. Come on! "Well.... I want some." "You want some?" Yes. Duh!! "No. I want a lot. So where can i find it!?" He laughed at me.

Great. He thinks im crazy. Good job Sarah! "In my room, in the closet under the clothes. I have a lot. Don't pick to much because then you can get an overdose and we don't want that. Right!?" He smiled at me and i nodded. "You know what!? Why don't you get the drugs? You know... So i can have some to!" I nodded and walked back upstairs into his room.

He doesn't get anything!! Everything is for myself. I'm gonna get an overdose. Yeah! But i have to be quick. I picked all the drugs and walked into his bathroom. Okay. This is it. This is the end. I never thought my life would end in this way. I just have to do this! For... Ugh... Just do it! But what about-. No Just do it.

I picked up the a few pills and shoved it in my mouth. I swallowed the pills. It followed soon by a lot of other pills. I feel a little bit dizzy. Should i stop? I mean, i can stop now if i want to. It's still not to late to stop. NO! I don't stop. I have to do this. I shoved a lot of other pills in my mouth and swallowed them. I began to feel more dizzy. "I love you mom. I love you dad. I love you Harry. Bye." I whispered and then everything went black.


It's short i know. What's happening next?


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