The plan (part 1)

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Sarah's POV

A month passed by and Jane and i are like best friends but it seems like Harry doesn't like and trust her. I have no idea why. And since last week i'm running into Edward like everyday. It scares me to death. It doens't mean anything right!? Well.... I hope it doesn't mean anything...

Harry's POV

So a month passed by and Sarah and i are good. I really love her and i know she loves me but i feel like she doesn't really love me. Ugh.... No that's not true, she loves me and i know it! But i have a weird feeling about Jane. She.... Uhmm...... She's so nice, not a slut, not a bitch and she's like best friends with Sarah. But when i look into her eyes i see hate.

I still don't like and trust Jane. How can Sarah not see the hate in her eyes!? Jane is planning something but i don't know what!! I have to know because when Jane plannes something then it's never good. That's why i'm here at the mall. Jane went to the mall and i secretly followed her. I really wanna know her plan!!

I saw Jane walking towards Edward. What!? My brother!? What's going on!?

Jane's POV

I walked towards Edward. "So Ed.... How are ya!? And how is our plan going!?" He smirked at me. "Oh i'm good Jane and our plan is uhmm...... okay?" He said. That makes me angry. Okay? "Okay is not good enough!! How far are you!? And where is your slut!?" "JESSICA!! COME HERE NOW!!" He yelled and Jes came walking towards us. "Heey Ed, Jane..." She said and smirked.

"Heey slut. So we have a plan to seperate Harry and Sarah. Edward wants Sarah and you want Harry. So i thought you could maybe sleep with Harry make out with him and all those stuff so that it looks like he's cheating on her with you. Do you think you can do that!?" She nodded and smirked.

"Yeah... I think i can do that. What then?" I rolled my eyes at her. She's not very smart. "Then she breaks up with Harry and then he's all yours of course. BUT!! But only if she comes back to Edward." She nodded. "Okay i get it. But what do you mean comes back to Edward? Were they together?" I sighed. She's so annoying.

Edward's POV

Yeah i like Sarah. No we weren't together but we were very good friends until i raped her and i hate myself for that because now she hates me more then ever. I hate Jane's plan but it's my only chance to get her back. "Srah and i were very good friends until i raped her and now she hates me but i want her back. Do you understand!?" I said and Jes nodded.

"Okay, when do we start?" I asked and Jane smirked. Ugh.... I hate Jane. "Hmm..... NOW!!" Jane said and laughed evil. "Okay but i have one last question." I swear Jes is really not smart. "Yeah what is it slut!?" "Why do you want to do this? The plan, seperate them?" Jane sighed.

"Because his gang fucking killed MY JAKE!! AND you two want your things so that's why!! Do you understand everything now!!?" She nodded and smiled at her. "Okay! Let the game begin!!"

Jane yelled and we all walked to our own cars. I drove to my brother's house, parked my car and waited in it. Jane would drive to his house to pick up Sarah so that they could shop or something. Then Jessica should drive to Harry's place to make it looks like Harry is cheating on Sarah. Then Sarah and Jane come back and Sarah thinks Harry is cheating on her so she breaks up with him. Then i come out of my car when she walks out of his house. I walk to her so i can comfort her and bring her home with me. This plan should work.

Soon Jane arrived to and walked into his house. She has Sarah's key with her. Then Harry arrived to and of course he walkes in his house to. A few minuted later Jessica arrives and she is waiting in her car until Jane and Sarah leave. Everything is on plan. It just works!!

I can't believe it!! Jane's plan is amazing but i still feel so bad. I shouldn't do this. Harry is my brother and he's so happy. But i want her to and i deserve her more than him. I know her longer than he does. Soon Jane and Sarah leave the house and Jessica walked out of her car.

Let the game begin!!


Sorry that i didn't update for a few days.. My dad needed my laptop because his is dead. I finally have it back!! YAY!! Sorry for the short chapter!!

I hope Jane's plan doesn't work!!


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