Shotgun :O

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Sarah's POV

He has 5 hours and 40 minutes left. I'm not really sure if he's coming. No don't think like that. Of course he's coming to save you from the dead. Right!? Ugh.... I don't know!! "I don't think he's coming Taylor."

"He's coming Sarah. He would never ever let you die. I just know it!! Trust me. Okay!?" I nodded. He's right. He would never ever let me die. He's coming. Right? Ugh.... There i go again. Of course he's coming!! "Taylor..... I'm scared." He hugged me tight. "Shh..... It's okay baby.. It's okay. Everything is going to be okay." He tried to calm me down but that didn't help.

I just want my Harry here. For me and only me. Maybe he's shagging someone and doesn't really care about me and doesn't really love me. Ugh.... "DON'T THINK LIKE THAT SARAH!! HE'S COMING!!!" "What the hell SARAH!?" Jake yelled at me and walked closer to me.

"Did i say that out loud!?" Jake smirked and Taylor nodded. Jake pushed Taylor away and pinned me at the wall. "He's not coming Sarah. You're all mine. But... Do you really want me to kill you if he's not coming? Because i can do a lot of things with you...." He smirked.

I am scared. Why isn't Taylor doing something!? He's just looking at us. "P-p-please... Let me g-g-go......!" He laughed evil. "Hmm..... Should i let you go? Let me think. Uhmm...... How about... NO!! If your loverboy isn't coming then you know what's happening babe." Then he pulled back and walked away.

I breathed heavily. "T-T-taylor? Please. Help me! Why didn't you do anything!? He could've killed me or rape me!! And you were just watching!!" He sighed. "I'm sorry but if i do anything then he will kill me. I'm so sorry. This is your mess. I don't wanna be a part of it Sarah. I'm so sorry."

Then he walked away. Did he just say that he...... Oh god. Why? He's my best friend right? Ugh... I lost everyting and everybody. I hate myself. What have i done!? "SARAH!!! COME HERE NOW!! YOU'RE NOT GONNA STAND THERE 5 HOURS LONG BABE!! YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF A FEW HORNY BOYS!!" He yelled at me. Oh god. I walked towards him. He smirked at me. Let the hell begin. Wait! Did he say HORNY BOYS!? SHIT! FUCK! DAMN IT!!

Harry's POV

"AHHH HAREEHH!!!! I'M GONNA CUM!!!!" Jane screamed. A few seconds later she came and i pulled out without coming to. That was round three today. I feel so bad that i'm doing this. I mean like... I love Sarah. And then i'm here when i should save her. SHIT! "How late is it!? WHAT'S THE TIME!?" I yelled at Jane. She looked at her phone and smirked.

"Four o'clock pm. Why!?" I picked up my clothes and got dressed. "SHIT!! FUCK!! I HAVE TO GO!! WHERE ARE MY KEYS AND MY-" She cutted me off.

"Why!? Where are you going!! YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE HARRY!!!" She yelled t me. "You can't tell me what to do!! I'm going!!" I yelled back. Then she stood up got dressed quickly and runned to me. She kissed me like it was the last kiss ever.

I pulled back. "I said... Your not going anywhere. Okay!?" Silence. "I SAID OKAY!?" I stepped back and looked for my car keys again. "WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING!?" She yelled at me. "I'M GONNA SAVE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!" I yelled back. I finally found my car keys a walked quickly downstairs into the living room. Jane followed me.

She grabbed my wrist and didn't let me go. "Let. Me. Go." "No! You're not gonna anywhere! Do. You. Understand!?" Silence again. "I said do you unde-" I cutted her off. "Yes i understand but i'm still going!!" I yelled at her again. She letted me go.

I runned to the front door. When i was about to open the door, i was pinned against the wall with a knife against my throat. "You're not going anywhere!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND HARRY!?" "Y-y-yes Jane. I understand." That came out as a whisper.

I could barely speak because of that knife. Jane stepped back. She letted the knife fall to the ground. "Okay. Now kiss me. I'm ready for round four." She smirked evil at me. I'm scared.

"No i can't Jane. I..... Please let me go and get her." I begged. I checked the time and it was already 4:08 pm. "I have seventeen minutes left. Please." I begged again. "NO. Jake told me to stop you. He's really going to kill her. Besides.... You never really loved her, right? Well.... I hate her. And so does Jake. He rejected him!! Nobody rejects him Harry!!" Wait, what!?

"So that's where this is all about!? Because you hate her and she rejected him!? Oh please Jane. You know..... That's very low of you. Both of you. And i really love her. Besides.... I have fifteen minutes left now. I will be never on time. Let me at least see her dead. Please!?"

She sighed and nodded. "Go. Go and get her. Go and save her. I hate her really. But that's maybe because i'm jealous. I don't want her dead, i guess. Please! GO!! SAVE HER HARRY!!" She smiled at me. "Really!?" "YES!! NOW GO!!" She yelled at me and laughed at my shocked face.

"Okay!! Thank you Jane. BYE!!" I yelled and waved at her and she waved back. I runned to my car, stepped in and drove off to save my baby. I quickly lokked at my watch to check the time. HOLY SHIT!! Twelve minutes left!! I drove as fast as i could. After like eleven minutes i arrived at the alley. I quickly parked my car and stepped out. I ran and ran and ran........ Where the hell is she!?

Sarah's POV

Okay... So like uhmm........ Four guys raped me. It was terrible. After that i got a sandwich and some water. Then i had to change and wear this. I hate it. But i have to wear it. If i don't then Jake let the guys rape me again. And i don't want that!! One minute left. He isn't coming.

"So....... Sarah. Do you still think your loverboy is coming!?" Jake said as he walked closer to me with a stupid smirk on his face. "I-i-i......... Y-yes. He.... Hes coming. I j-j-just know i-it!!" No. I really don't know if he's coming i mean like a few seconds left and then it's over. Everyone started counting. That makes me really nervous and more scared. "Scared?" I shook my head.

"Never." He laughed at me. God i hate him!! I hate myself for this!! I was so sure that Harry would come and save me but.... Now it's over. Few seconds left... I'm not ready to die!!


Harry's POV

I heard the people counting. SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! NO NO NO!!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!! PLEASE!!! WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!!!???





I've finally reached her.


"STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE. STOP!!!! I'M HERE DON'T YOU DARE TO KILL HER!!!!! PLEASE!?" I yelled and begged. There was silence. Jake looked at me and smirked. Everyone was smiling an evil smile at me. Sarah looked scared and shocked. Then someone did a blindfold on me. SHIT!! I'm scared. Don't shoot her. Please!!

Then i heard a shotgun.

And the worst part is..............

I don't know who has been shot.


DUN DUN DUN............................................................!


Who do think that has been shot!?

Ten chapters left :) . Then the story is over!

xx -Lichellaw

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