His part of the story.

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Sarah's POV

We forgave each other anything. You know like no stress. We just can't loose each other. We were cuddled up on the couch, watching The Hangover. Anne was sleeping over at a friend of her. But there's something on my mind. I had to ask something. "Harry?" "Yes babe." God i love it when he calls me babe.

"Why did you want me to leave when i told you about Edward?" He tensed up. "Harry? Can you answer my question, please?" He nodded. "You know, i just told you why i don't want you around him. And you know why!!" That was not my question. "I was walking home and i just met him, again."

"You could go away!!" He yelled at me. No i couldn't. Or could i!? "Maybe i could or maybe i couldn't!! I don't know!! But i know that you wanted me to leave and i wanna know why not why you don't want me around him!! YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION!!!" I yelled back at him.

He backed off. "I'm sorry i said that okay!? I didn't know what to do! I was just mad that you didn't go away when you saw him. I just......I'm sorry Sarah. I really am!!" He yelled a little bit but at the same time he said it sweetly. It sounded like he was scared.

"It's okay Harry. But was it true what Edward said?. Be honest with me please.. I really wanna know. And if it IS true than i promise you that i won't leave. I'll wanna be with you forever Harry. Trust me but please say the truth!!" He looked in my eyes and he nodded.

"Yes everything is true. Except for one thing. I didn't say to Edward that he had to rape you or i will kill mom. I will never ever say that. I din't even know you were here on earth!! Oh and when he almost killed me..... I didn't do anything back to him. Why!? Because i was scared of him. I didn't know why they gave all their attention to me. I tried to...... I just....... You what i did!? I would do anything with Edward but he didn't want to... So maybe you know maybe it's his fould that everybody pushed him away. I know that it sounds mean but it's just the truth Sarah. And yes i still love him. I mean like duh he's my brother!. But i have the feeling he never really loved me or still loves me. I always cared about him and i always will. I have that feeling he just don't care at all. I really miss him. But i''l guess he isn't missing me at all. I'm sorry i didn't tell you all of this. It's just a really touchy topic. I don't wanna break down in front of you but i can't help it." He letted a tear slip. I hugged him. I kissed him on the lips. Just a simple sweet kiss. Nothing more. "It's okay babe. It's okay." He cried into my shoulder. "Thank you for listening to my story." Aww.... He's such a cutie. "Anytime babe."


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