The hospital!

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Edward's POV

She's now upstairs for like fifteen minutes. It doesn't take that long to grab the drugs, right? No, of course not! I better go upstairs and see what's taking her so long. I stood up from the couch and walked upstairs towards my room. I walked into my room but i didn't see her. Where is she!?

Maybe she's in my bathroom. You know girls are. They have to pee after every second. I walked to the bathroom door to open it but it was locked. Damn! "Sarah!! Sarah. Sarah open this damn door!!" I yelled and pounded on the door. No answer. How can i open this damn door!?

Wow, wait a sencond! I have a key!! Why didn't i think of that before!? I ran to my dresser and picked up the key. I ran back towards the bathroom door and opened. Tears began to spill.

No she didn't!! I broke down on the floor next to her. She got herself an overdose. It should have never come so far. It's all my fault. If i didn't agree with this stupid plan then she maybe didn't got herself an overdose. Wait. Is she even alive or did she just black out!?

I checked her wrists and heart. She didn't even breathe. Her heart didn't beat. OH MY GOD!! I UHMM... I HAVE TO CALL AN AMBULANCE OR I... I quickly called the hospital. I told them everything quickly and hung up. They told me to stay calm and to get her downstairs on a couch or something. They come as quick as they can. At least, that's what they said. Maybe i have to call Harry. I mean like i know they still love each other, right? And... Ugh, just call him Edward!!

Harry's POV

"Jane.. I-i can't do this." I said and sighed. Just to fresh up your mind... I'm trying to forget about her. But i just can't. Everytime i wanna hook up with someone or at least try to then i suddenly feel guilty and cut it off. Yes i'm a pussy i know. I mean like... We broke up and i am free!

And still i just can't do this to her. It's like i know we are getting back together but at the same time i really don't know if we are getting back together. "Oh Harry, Harry, Harry. My lovely and hot boy. She's gone." Jane said. Yes i know i'm trying to hook up with her and that's so wrong.

Wow wait! Did she just said what i think that she said? "She's gone?" She nodded and smiled evil at me. "A-as in t-to an other c-country, right?" I asked carefully. She shook her head no. "W-what d-do you m-mean?" "Well... My Harry. With i mean really like gone as in dead." No no no no! "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER!?" I yelled at her while i grabbed her long bonde fake hair. She letted a few tears slip but i don't care. "TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO HER!! NOW!! ANSWER ME!!" I screamed in her fake face. "N-nothing really i-i s-swear." I letted her go.

Then my phone rang and i answered it. It's Edward.

H-hi. Uhmm..... H-harry i-i... C-come here now!!

Edward yelled into the phone.


I yelled back into the phone at my brother.

I-it's S-sarah. She just got an overdose. Come to my house now!!

I dropped my cellphone and broke down on the floor. No she can't. How does she dare to leave me!? I picked up my phone and ended the call i runned downstairs to grab my keys. I runned out of the front door and drove off, leaving Jane standing there angry and confused. After ten minutes i arrived at Edward's house. I rang the bell a lot and then he opened the door. I runned inside and he closed the door. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY SARAH!?" I yelled at him.

"On the couch. They told me to bring her downstairs and lay her down on a couch or something. They should be here any minute. Thank you for coming here." I sighed and walked into the living room while Edward followed me. I saw her laying here on the couch. I looked at her.

Helping Her Out The Darkness {COMPLETED} ×RE-WRITING×Where stories live. Discover now