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Sarah's POV

I finally made my choice. The Notebook. Edward came back with popcorn and two cups of coke. He smiled at me and picked the movie. After a few minutes the movie was playing. We sat next to each other while we watched. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie.

I was thinking about Harry. MY Harry. Wait, what!? No no no no. He's not MY Harry. We broke up. I letted a few tears slip. Edward noticed and hugged me tight. He's just like Harry. How can i be with someone who is just like him!? I wanna forget about him but i just can't!

Edward's hug is just like Harry's hug. This is so wrong but it feels so right. Maybe that's because i'm hugging Edward and not Harry. Ugh... I'm confusing myself!

Edward's POV

Sarah letted a few tears slip and i hugged her tight. I know that she isn't crying because of the movie. I know for sure that she's crying because of Harry. This breaks my heart. I mean.... Yes, of course i like her but..... This feels so wrong, no this is wrong.

I thought she would be happy with me, without him. But.... She isn't. I thought i could let my brother feel what i felt like when he stole my girl but i'm just hurting her. I can't stand t see her hurt like this. I hurt her. I did this to her. I just can't do this, doesn't matter how much i want Harry to feel the same pain as i did. I just can't. I'm a horrible person!!

"I'm so sorry Sarah. I can't do this anymore..." I whispered. to her. She looked at me confused. "You can't do what anymore?" She asked me. I have to tell her. It's not fair. "It was all a-" I was cutted of by her phone ringing. SHIT!

Harry's POV

That slut was gone and so was the love of my life. I love Sarah. She's my everything. My world. My life. There's no point in living without her in it. I have to get her back. I have to do everything for her. I cheated on her a lot so uhmm.....yeah. "I'm so sorry Harry." Jane said to me as she sat next to me on the couch. Slut. Bitch. Whore. Liar.

"Don't. Just don't. It's all your fault." She looked at me and letted a tear slip. She looked...... hurt? No way. Ugh.... I don't care. She did this. I just know it. "Excuse me!? It's my fault!? What's my fault Harry?" She asked me with a smirk. Bitch.

"It was a..... OH GOD! IT WAS A SET UP, WASN'T IT!?!" I yelled at her. and her smirk grew even bigger if that was even possible. "Hmm...... Maybe... Maybe not." That bitch. "YOU BITCH!! SHE WAS EVERYTHING I HAD LEFT!! I FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" I yelled and puched her in her face.

She grabbed her face and cried. Never hit a woman. I know. But this girl is crazy so i have all the right hit or punch that girl. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!! HOW DO YOU DARE TO PUNCH ME!? AFTER EVRYTHING I DID FOR YOU!! YOUR GANG FUCKING KILLED MY JAKE!!" She yelled almost screamed at me.


That was easy. To easy. She's up to an another thing. Shit! I shouldn't have done that. I'm just a fuck up!

Jane's POV

After i was outside i called Sarah. She picked up.

Heey Sarah.

Hi Jane, what's wrong?

H-h-harry. H-h-he alm-ost k-killed m-me....

W-what!? How!? Why!? When!? Where!? I'm coming!!

No don't! I'm now by an old friend of mine. She just took me to the hospital. Everything is okay. Tell Edward that 61446 is done.

Uhmm..... Okay? Bye.

Thanks. Bye.

I hung up. Yes. My plan is working. Harry has to see what they're doing right now! It's time to text Harry now.

To: Fuck Buddy

Go to ya bro's place...

From: Fuck Buddy


To: Fuck Buddy

See for yourself. Don't be a pussy and go Harold!

I walked to my slut of a friend. This just can't go wrong. Oh and i really need to change his name by the way.

Harry's POV

Jane's text confused me. But.... I still listened to her and now i'm almost at Ed's house. In a few minutes i was there and parked my car. I stepped out and walked to his house. I opened the door. Hmm..... Unlocked. As if he's expecting someone. I walked around a little bit.

Then i walked into the living room and my heart broke. They were kissing. So that's why i had to go to this place. Of course! "How could you!? I love you!! I CANT GET YOU OUT OF MY HEAD!! AND NOW YOU'RE KISSING HIM!! SLUT!" I yelled and ran away. "No wait!"

I stopped. Just by hearing her voice i just.... Ugh..... She stood right next to me, right next to my car. "What do you want you little bitch!?" She looked hurt. Whoops. I didn't have the right to call her slut and bitch or even yell at her. But i still did.

"You know.... I actually wanted to go back home, with you. Because i miss you like hell. And it isn't even a day. Only a few hours but.... You canged my mind. If you really think i'm a slut and a bitch then i won't come back. I know you hate those people." "No please. I didn't ment it. It just slipped." She nodded.

"Oh yes of course! But it always slips Harry. You always don't mean it. I... I'm sorry. Bye." She gave me one last kiss on my cheek and walked back inside. What the hell have i done!? I was so close by having her here with me but i fucked it up, like i always do.

Maybe it's the best if i forget about her. I mean..... How hard can that be!? Exactly not very hard. That's what i'm gonna do!


Just forget.

Forget about....... Hmm........ Who!?

Haha, i already forgot about her.

Or not.


Please don't hate me because of this chapter haha LLN!

I'm so sorry!!

I'm really mad at Harry, he just has to fight for her!

Damn Harry!!

xx -Lichellaw

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