It's You

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Three days. I haven't heard from Gracie in three days. I wasn't sure what happened, I don't know if she was mad because I didn't kiss her before I left or if that was just me. I don't know if she didn't actually like me or I was too much of a problem for her. I just don't know. If I did something wrong I would like to fix it. I've never met a girl like her and I don't want to go searching for another one because I know there's not. But I don't want to sit here wondering what could have been for the rest of my life either.

I sit in my stall as the guys trickle into the pre game. The preseason was under way and we were all excited to get things started. There was a bunch of people walking around everywhere like trainers and equipment managers and guests and I just keep my head down and stay focused on the task at hand. Although it's just a preseason game, it's important to figure out what works for you. I start to get ready as I slowly put on pads and tape.

"Are you still moping around about this girl" Patrick asks as he sits in his stall next to mine. Pretty sure the equipment managers put us together as some sick joke or something.

"No" I mumble and he laughs.

"Sure does seem like it" he claims.

"I'm just... disappointed. That's all. I thought she was different. I thought she..." I trail off as I lift my head. I look up and a few hallways down was Gracie and her family. "She's here" I whisper.

She stood there in a pink and white floral dress that stopped right above her knees. She had her hair down to her sides and crazy curly like the first night we met. She looks around at everything that surrounded her, whatever it was the guide was telling her about. Her long eyelashes nearly reach her eyebrows as they frame her bright hazel eyes.

"I don't see a girl" Patrick says looking nearly in the opposite direction.

"No you idiot, that's her" I say moving his face so he was looking the right way.

"Holy fucking shit dude" he gasps and I laugh.

"I know buddy... I know" I nod.

"She's beautiful. Now I see why you're so sensitive all the sudden" he admits.

"Wow, thanks Patrick" I say sarcastically.

"What are you going to do" he asks.

"I'm going to go talk to her" I insist.

"Are you sure about that? Because I feel like you're stalling right now" he claims.

"I am. I just don't know what to say because I don't know why she's been ignoring me" I admit.

"Maybe she realized that you're a dumbass" he claims and I slap his chest. I know we mess around like this very often, but now is not the time.

I look down the hallway to see her standing there looking so incredibly beautiful and let out a long breath. She starts to look around again but this time she's looking for something. Finally she looks down the hallway I was in and stops when she sees me. She smiles big when I catch her glance and quickly turns to her dad to say something. She then disappears into a different hallway and I look over to Patrick.

"Go get her" he yells throwing his hands in the air.

I jump up and quickly move into the hallways under the stadium. I weave in and out of people looking for Gracie somewhere. I frantically look around not really watching where I was going. I suddenly, but inevitably, run into someone knocking me out of my trance. I quickly catch the other person so they don't hit the floor.

"Oh goodness, I am so sorry" they say trying to stabilize themselves.

"It's-" I start until I realized it was Gracie. "It's you" I whisper.

"Uhh hey" she says.

"Hi" I reply and we both start to laugh.

"I swear I can explain what's happening" she begs and I nod so she knows I'm listening. "My Dad doesn't want us together. He's practically forbidden us from seeing each other ever again. He took my phone away and the only way I can come here is if he is with me. He thinks you're a bad guy who's no good for me but I know you're not like that" she insists.

"How do you know that" I ask. I mean he wasn't completely wrong.

"I can see it in your eyes. What you're telling me is not who you want to be. I know you could be incredible, you can be everything this team and this town needs you to be. Everything I need you to be. You're an amazing person Jonathan, and nothing you or my father tells me can convince me any differently" she claims.

I look at her as she sits here and fights for me, for us. She had shown me more affection in the few moments we've shared together than all of my past girlfriends combined. She wants to see me do good, she believes that I can be this person I want to be. She sees it in me and it sucks because she's not able to help me get there.

"What are we supposed to do Grace? I want this to work just as bad as you do but we're playing with fire. How are we going to make this work" I ask.

"What are you doing tomorrow" she quickly questions.

"I don't know. Probably work out in the morning but after that nothing" I shrug.

"Go to the bean at 11 tomorrow morning" she orders.

"Why" I ask.

"Because I'm going to meet you there" she claims.

"I don't want you to get in trouble" I insist.

"Do you want to see me Jonathan? Do you want to be with me" she asks.

"Of course I do. That's all I want, actually" I admit.

"Then be there" she demands.

"Okay, I'm there" I smile.

"Great" she smiles back. "I have to go because my dad thinks I'm in the bathroom" she sighs.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow" I wave as she walks away. She waves back before turning back around and strutting down the hall.

I turn around to go back to the locker room and run into someone once again. I really need to start paying attention.

"She's really pretty" the person says and I see its Patrick. Of course it's Patrick.

"I'm going to put a bell on you" I threaten.

"Why" he asks.

"Because you keep popping up like that" I insist.

"Jokes on you because unlike a animal I know how to take it off" he brags. Nothing to brag about there but you couldn't tell him that.

"What do you want from me" I mumble.

"I want to know if you talked to her" he questions.

"I did" I admit.

"Did she say you're disgusting" he smirks.

"No. She said her dad has her forbidden her from seeing me and took her phone away" I explain.

"What, is she ten" he asks.

"No. But she's warned me about her dad and I'm not about to be the one to say something to him" I admit.

"Okay. So what are you guys going to do" he asks.

"Well I'm meeting her at 11 tomorrow at the bean" I explain.

"Ohhhh how dangerous. It's like Romeo and Juliet" he says.

"You read that story" I ask a bit shocked.

"No. But I've heard good things" he claims and I shake my head. 

"Maybe she should introduce you to her dad so I don't seem so bad" I tease.

"I'm an angel" he claims.

"She's an angel. You're Satan riding a ball of fire" I insist and he laughs.

"You're not wrong" he admits.

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