Thank You

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Jon and the Blackhawks ends up going against the Flyers in the Stanley cup finals. It was a lot different than the Sharks series, there was going to be no sweeping and there was a lot more defense here. But I still had the upmost confidence in our boys that they'll bring home the cup. One way or another

And for the remainder of the post-season, however long that may be, Jons parents and brother was here to catch the games and hopefully celebrate a victory. That means I get to hang out with a real family and I felt so at peace when they were around.

Late one night his family was over to watch some movies. It was so nice outside, it was almost June after all, and we could sit there with the windows open and enjoy a nice movie. The breeze from outside whips through the apartment as we sit together.

I sit in Jon's arms as we cuddle on the floor. His parents on the couch and his brother in the recliner. Patrick had pulled up a chair as we all sat in front of the TV. We watch Grown Ups and laugh our asses off until our stomachs hurt.

And eventually it gets late and Jon's parents and brother head back to the hotel. Jon has a strict bed time because he's a creature of habit. So I stay up to clean up and get things ready for the game tomorrow. Patrick eventually comes into the kitchen and helps me out. I give him a kind smile and he starts to wash the dishes.

"Thank you" he says and I turn to him.

"For what, exactly" I ask him.

"For everything" he claims and I laugh.

"I'm not sure I'm following" I admit.

"Then let me explain it to you.

Jonathan has been my friend since we were teenagers here for the first time. Maybe even before that when we played on a U18 team together. He has been the guy that I have always been stuck with and will always be stuck with. So whether I liked him or not he was going to be who I had to deal with. And let me tell you, I hated him at first. I hated his guts.

But then after we played together he kinda grew on me. The more they forced him to be with me the more I let him in. Then I realized I needed someone who understood me and what I was going through. And he was there and he was willing to work with me. So we grew closer. We moved in together and promised each other that we were going to get through this together. And before I knew it he was my best friend.

But then you came along and he changed. And it wasn't a bad thing, he changed for the better. He wasn't so serious about hockey, he didn't shut down and he wasn't so bad to be around. He smiled a lot more and I swear I even hear him giggle. He was still the Jonny I knew and despised with every fiber of my being, but now he's not complaining all the time and watching weird videos about food and yoga. He's actually happy and not a total bum to be around.

I love what you did to him, and not on purpose. I love what you brought out of him, that kid who just loved to play hockey. He's wiser and kinder and a hell of a lot easier to be around. And I know he tells you this all the time, but you're seriously so good for him.

So thank you" he says and I smile.

"Patrick... that was so sweet" I whisper.

"I know you don't need to hear it from me, but you changed my life a lot too. If it wasn't for you I would have never grown as a person or found Veronica. You've touched the lives of everyone around you and I really hope you know that you're very appreciated in their eyes" he claims.

"I don't think about that stuff all too much. Just trying to make everyone happy" I shrug.

"What about you? Are you happy" he asks.

"Of course I'm happy. My heart hurts, but I look around me, at the people I'm with and situation I'm in and I can't be anything but happy. I have good friends and a great job, I don't have everything I want but no one ever does" I explain.

"I know you make Jon happy, and I just hope he makes you happy too" he insist.

"He does. He brings me more joy with just the meeting of our eyes than anyone else had brought me my first 21 years of life. He quickly became everything to me and that still hasn't changed. I know things are different now and I know that it's not going to be easy. But I love that man with all of my heart and I don't see how that will change. Our attraction will only grow stronger from here on out and that's kind of scary to think about, how our love will get us through the darkest of times should that time come. But I'm ready for anything life throws at me, just as long as I have him by my side" I say.

"You guys are going to be just fine" he smiles.

We finish up cleaning the kitchen and tell each other good night. I change and brush my teeth before crawling into bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow I feel a lot of arms wrap around my waist and pull me father into the bed. I smile as I pat his arm and he nuzzles his face into the back of my neck.

"I thought you were never coming to bed" he mumbles in his deep voice.

"I got caught up talking to pat" I admit.

"What did he want" he wonders.

"To say thank you" I tell him.

"Thank you for what" he asks and I smile.


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