Parade for the Ages

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"Are you ready for this" I ask Gracie as she pulls on my jersey. She insisted it was her lucky one that helped us win and I thought it was adorable.

"I don't do all too hot with big crowds" she claims.

"It's just a couple of million people" I tease and she sends me a glare. "Okay, no jokes. Got it" I laugh.

"Jonny" she whines.

"Alright alright, everything is going to be okay" I assure her.

"Isn't that what people say right before everything goes to shit" she asks.

"Usually" I admit and she lets out a long groan. "Look at me" I demand as I softly pull her chin up so she had no choice but to look at me. "I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you. We're going to be together on the bus at all times and when you're in the crowd find Abby and Veronica and you'll be okay. Got it" I ask.

"Got it" she sighs.

"Why are you so scared of this anyway" I ask.

"I'm a only child who spent the better part of 21 years inside a pent house in Chicago by myself. And every time I went out, whoever I was hanging out with had a background check and I already knew who it was. Never was I a part of something like this, I don't know what to expect" she shrugs.

"Expect something incredible. Don't let what you don't know dictate what you do know. These people are going to be delirious and happy and couldn't care less that you're dating me. You can't let those people get to you. As far as I'm concerned I'm the one who is lucky to call you his girlfriend" I claim and she finally gives me a smile.

"Okay" she whispers.

I pull her chin closer and she gives me a passionate kiss. I close my eyes and enjoy this simple bliss before heading out in the wild.

But eventually it comes times for us to go so we pack up our things and head to the United Center. They load us up on the busses and I sit to the sit with Gracie in my lap. The whole team has been bar hopping since we first touched down in the city. We had no hockey responsibilities and all the reason in the world to celebrate, so that's what we did. And this parade was kind of to cap it all off before we head our separate ways this summer. We each get a day with the cup and I was more than excited for mine.

Finally we leave the loading area and head out to the streets. It was a long drive from here to grant park and we wanted to get this thing going. As soon as the sunlight meets us we're met with a sea of red. Nothing but Blackhawks fans fill the street as we take the first turn in the route. And every time you would think the crowd would get smaller it got bigger.

"This is insane" Gracie whispers.

"Can you believe this? All these people are here because of us" I say.

"How many people are here" she wonders.

"I would hate to be the person to try and count it" I admit.

After a really really long ride with a lot of beer and a lot of yelling, me and the boys take ourselves on stage to try and deliver some speeches. We were all either drunk or hungover, a little delirious, and all at a loss for words that this is all really happening.

"I love you. Stay safe" I say giving a kiss to Gracie before she gets pulled off.

"I love you too" she yells before she disappears into the crowd.

I walk up on stage and look out to see even more people here. It was insane the amount of red that can fill this city.

"Holy shit" Patrick says as he comes up to me.

"Maybe try to think before you step up to that microphone" I warn.

"Maybe I shouldn't go up there" he admits.

"Probably not" I agree.

"Can you believe all of this" he asks.

"Absolutely not" I laugh. "I mean three years ago we couldn't fill up a building, and now we've filled up a city."

"Man... this is surreal" he admits.

"What happens next" I wonder.

"We do this all again" he claims.

"We're not the red wings" I scoff.

"We could be" he says. "I mean yeah, we're going to lose a lot of people, a lot of good people, but we'll always have each other" he says.

"Are you drunk" I ask.

"Very" he admits.

"Alright. Then let's have this conversation when you're in a little bit better state of mind" I insist.

"Okay buddy" he smiles and I roll my eyes.

The rally starts and the higher up guys who have a family and haven't spent the past few days in a bar get us started. They had a lot more of a voice than we did and was in a better place to be talking. This was a nationally televised event after all and we didn't need a bunch of drunk guys slurring into the microphone about how we're the world champions and there's no one better than us.

But I hadn't drank that much and being the captain I did have to say a few words on behalf of my drunk brethren. So I step up to the mic and looked out into the crowd. I easily find Gracie near the front and I give her a smile. She looked like she was enjoying herself even though she was a little intimidated this morning. I know it's not easy with being with me, especially considering what all she's been through this year. But she's never missed a home or a playoff game and no matter how much she hates being around a bunch of people or people she doesn't see eye to eye with. She's always right next to me supporting me and it's because of people like her that I can stand up here today and call myself a world champion.

I give my speech about how this is just the begging and there's more of days like this ahead of us. We were just getting started and winning only made us hungrier. I did mean what I said but I was too tired to take that into consideration.

After the rally we take the trophies and go back to the United Center. I sat atop the bus with Gracie in my arms as we let the wind whip through our hair. I smile at her as she looks out over the city.

"What's got you smiling" I ask as she turns around in my arms.

"You" she claims and I smile.

"How so" I ask.

"No reason. I just really love you."

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