Original Beauty

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"Come on, this way" Jonathan whispers as he pulls me behind him. My mom and dad and I went out to lunch with some of his friends but I was able to sneak out for a little and see Jonathan. My mom said she would cover for me so that gave me a little peace of mind. I got my phone back so she would text me when my dad started asking questions.

Jonathan pulls me between some buildings before we arrive in a place I've never been before. This city had been my home my whole life but if it didn't have a five star rating or didn't serve cheese curds I've probably never been there before. It's hard to say I'm living the life when all I know is crochet and fancy desserts no one even knows how to say. I want led to more unique places, kinda like this one.

This place was almost abandoned, but you can tell people have been around for a little just trying to fix it up. Nothing but tall brick buildings surrounded us. The walls painted with bright colors that had faded through the years. Years of ware and tear and cover ups were evident as the originals were in poor shape, but they were still beautiful nonetheless.

"What are we doing here" I ask as I walk around the little area.

"Hiding from your dad" he laughs.

"Obviously. But why here" I wonder.

"I don't know. I kind of just picked this place" he shrugs.

"Well I love it" I admit.

"It's old and useless. What's to love about it" he asks.

"Do you see that graffiti" I ask pointing to a building. There was faint sketches of everyone living in harmony as one. The people of all different back grounds and social classes and ethnicities joined hands around the word faith. It was beautiful once you could see what it was.

"Yeah, I see it. But it doesn't look like much" he admits.

"Then look closer" I insist. He walks up to it and starts to trace the people with his fingers. His finger tips lightly glide over the paint carefully so he doesn't knock any of it off but he can still experience it.

"Okay. This is pretty cool" he admits.

"I think it's amazing. These buildings remind me a lot of you. Over the years people painted over it, layer after layer adding what they think makes this look better. Things that aren't necessary but seem important at the time. And for a while it worked, that is until the original artist realized that changing because everything around you is changing isn't such a good idea. That it's easy to lose the original message when you're so focused on adding things on. So they stopped adding things, stopped adding stress to the picture and changes so it would fit in better to whatever was happening around it.

And now, after all this time, we're getting back to the center. The original beauty of what the artist created. We're back where it started, and while there is wear and tear from the layers that were supposed to make it better, it's integrity is still there. The faith... it's still there" I smile.

"You really see that in me" he asks.

"Of course. We all have layers, some of them we're not proud of and some of them aren't pretty, but they don't last forever. The core values, the faith, that will never go away. You can continue to build off of it until you get to the design you've been wanting all along" I explain.

"So you're saying that I need to be vulnerable and stop putting up a front in order to find my happiness" he asks.

"Basically, yes. Your core values is who you are. Something that no matter what happens, it never changes" I explain.

"That's so insightful" he insists. "I've never thought about life that way. But it makes a lot of sense" he admits.

"I'm happy I can open your eyes for you" I smile.

He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my chest. He stands behind me as I lean my head back against his chest. He pulls my face over so he can give me a kiss and I couldn't help but smile.

"You should probably get back to your dad. He's going to start getting worried" Jon says.

"I know. But I don't want to leave you just yet" I insist.

"Me neither" he sighs.

"When am I going to see you next" I ask.

"Are you coming to the game Saturday" he asks.

"Of course I am" I assure him.

"Then I'll see you then. I'll meet you by will call and I'll get you back there" he says.

"Okay. I guess I'll see you then" I say.

"Okay" he replies before pressing his lips to mine again one last time.

He takes off to wherever and I find my dad still talking to god knows who about whichever deal he was trying to make now.

My dad wants me to be a part of the family business but I would honestly rather move to Africa than to do that. He's a corrupt man, he doesn't know I know. But I do. I know about the games he plays and the people he hurts. How those people could turn right around and hurt him or my family too. I'm not proud of my farther as a business man but he is a pretty good family man. And as much as he hates it I'm not going to aid in his games. I won't charm the other men or their kids to satisfy whatever it is he's trying to get. I want to help people, not hurt them. But my dad doesn't see it as hurting people, he sees it has a "growth opportunity for all", which is total bull.

"There you are. I have been looking all over for you" my dad says walking over to me.

"I'm not feeling too well" I claim and his face falls.

"What's wrong baby" he asks.

"My head hurts really bad. I think it might be a migraine" I say. He feels my forehead with the back of his hand before letting out a sigh.

"You're really warm.  Do you need to go to the hospital" he asks.

"No. I just need rest" I admit.

"Okay. Have Phillip take you home. You have your phone back so if you need me call me" he says and I nod.

I hop in the limo and Phillip takes me home. I grab my phone and see that my mom and Dad would be home a little while later. I quickly tell my dad that I got home so safe he doesn't freak out then tell Jon that we could talk again, at least for a little bit. I hop in the shower and pull on some more comfortable clothes before going to dry off my long hair. I look at my phone and see my dad wouldn't be home for a while since she took my mom to get her nails done. Then I see a text from Jon asking if I was in my room. I tell him I was and he says to look out the window.

I do as I'm told and open up my blinds. I see a building from across the way was stripped down of its layers too. It had to have been recent, because that building has been blue for as long as I remember. But now it's brick with the word "inspire" in big letters across it. I smile bright and see Jonathan near the bottom of the building with a scraping tool. I know he's supposed to be bad for me, but he hurt so good.

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