Amazing Grace

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I was nervous. Like... really nervous. I didn't think that she would turn down my proposal and I didn't think it would go wrong. I just wanted everything to be perfect just like she was. I wanted this to be a moment she will remember forever as one of her favorites.

There was a charity ball Gracie organized in the ballroom we first met it. It took me a while to convince her to do it there, but she finally agreed to it. I set out the same red dress she was wearing that night we met and I hope she wore it. I even laid out her favorite pair of heels and her charm bracelet to go with it. I didn't want to tell her to wear it but I defiantly did want her to.

But I couldn't wait up and see if she puts it on because I had business of my own to handle. I had to pick up the engagement ring from the engravers. It was a beautiful ring but I want it to be personalized. Then I had to pick my suit up from the dry cleaners and try to do my tie by myself, which never ends well. And once it looked presentable I head over to the ballroom.

It was set up for the event, but I also talked to the event coordinator to plan a proposal. They had the song in needed cued up and the cameras where they needed to be. All I needed was for everything to fall into place and I was good to go.

Eventually everyone arrives and I stay behind the scenes. I watch as our friends and some of the people she's worked with for charities come in. I see my parents, Patrick and Veronica, even Stan and his wife made it out. As the moments pass by my hands get sweaty and my heart starts to race.

Finally she arrives and I peek around the curtains I was sitting by. She wore the dress and did her hair real nice, she was so stunning, just like the first time I saw her. She looked so good I could fall to my knees and beg for her to never ever leave me. I would do anything to hear her tell me she loves me, that's why I wanted to propose to her in this way. To remember where we came from but to see how far we've come and to see how far we're going. And all it took was for me to man up and do it.

Eventually everyone sits in their seats and Gracie comes up to the dance floor to give her speech. This was basically a introduction to all the charity things we were doing this year. There was people represented from all parts of the city here to listen to her mostly. They knew about my plans but this was still business after all.

"Thank you all for listening to me ramble about my plans for this season" she finishes. "And if anyone has seen Jonathan and could send him my way, that would be great" she says into the microphone. I feel my heart stop when she says my name, that was my cue to go out there.

I emerge from behind the curtains and stand behind her. The music starts to play and I take the ring out of my back pocket. My shaky hands opens the ring box and I smile, the ring really was beautiful. I go down on one knee before finding my voice.

"Gracie" I say into the microphone I was holding with my other shaky hand. She turns around but doesn't see me immediately. But eventually her eyes fall on me and she freezes. Her eyes turn glassy as a smile comes up in her face. She covers her mouth with her hands, the microphone still in there.

"Oh my god" she whispers as I smile up at her.

The music continues on in the background and it comes time for me to come in. And I'm no singer, but I've been told I was a decent speaker, so I was going to speak.

"Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
T'was blind but now I see

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear
And Grace, my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

Through many dangers, toils and snares
We have already come.
T'was grace that brought us safe thus far
And grace will lead us home,
And grace will lead us home

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
T'was blind but now I see

Gracie May Hartford... will you marry me."

She slowly nods her head then a little bit quicker.

"Yes" she says into the microphone and I let out a long breath. I take the ring out of the box and put it on her left ring finger. She looks from the ring up to me and I feel the tears start up. But before one could escape my eyelids slam shut as Gracie leans down and presses her lips to mine. She pulls me up off the ground and wraps her fingers around my arms. I cup her face as I pull her closer to me.

In that moment time kind of stops. The sounds of our friends cheering for us fade and I can hear the beating of her heart. It was pounding so hard as it hits against her chest.

"I love you so much" she whispers on my lips as our head rests together.

"I love you too baby" he smiles.

Since the deed was done I could finally officially meet all the cool people here today. There was firefighters and teachers and social workers and businessmen and woman. They all congregate with the hockey world as we ask them what we can do to help. They think up of fundraisers and events to raise awareness. We get some games where we give away some sponsored stuff and get some toy drives going. It turns to out to be a really successful night for Gracie as her job and her love life took a huge step too.

By the end of he might most of the people leave. My parents and I stay back to help Gracie clean up and my dad ends up folding chairs with me. I watch as Gracie shows my mom the ring and I smile.

"You did good son" my dad claims.

"That ring is beautiful" I admit.

"I'm not talking about the ring" he says. "I'm talking about the girl."

"Yeah. I'm not going to find anyone better" I admit.

Amazing Grace (Jonathan Toews)Where stories live. Discover now