There's Always a Guy

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"How do I look" I ask Gracie as I stand in my room. I had on a pair of jeans and a nice light blue shirt on. My hair was styled and I was wearing my good shoes.

"You look amazing, but I don't get why you're freaking out" she claims as she fixes my collar on my shirt.

"Maybe it's because we're having lunch with your mom and I want at least one of your parents to like me" I insist.

"She already likes you. She adores you, just like me" she smiles.

"I'll be the judge of that" I say and she rolls her eyes.

We meet her mom over at the nice cafe that had a chandelier and super nice couches

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We meet her mom over at the nice cafe that had a chandelier and super nice couches. I didn't even know this place existed but it's hard to miss it now that I know it's here.

Once we find her mom Gracie gives her a hug before she turns to me.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Hartford" I start.

"You don't have to call me that. Ruth or Ruthy is fine" she says as she gave me a hug. She smelled really nice.

"Alright, Ruthy. Can I get you and Gracie a drink" I ask.

"I'll have a vanilla iced coffee" Gracie says.

"Just a medium coffee please" Ruthy adds on and I nod my head.

I go get us some drinks and sit down on the couch next to Gracie. Her mom thanks me and takes her drink before sitting across from us. I wrap my arm around Gracie and she moves in closer to me. She sips on her drink as I talk to her mom.

"Gracie told me your from Africa" I start and she smiles.

"Born and raised" she smiles.

"That is so incredibly cool. Tell me about it" I pry. I've always wanted to travel, especially to a place where mankind doesn't have as much influence on the land such as Africa.

"There's not much to tell, most of the time I was there I was young. I grew up fast and helped my mom around the house there. She was there to do missionary work but fell in love with a guy. There's always a guy" she laughs

"Isn't it that how it goes" I smile.

"Yeah. I found myself in the same situation after I moved back. We came here to Chicago and my mom continued to work with the church and my dad got a factory job in the states, this city is filled with them. We had to adapt to a new life and new ways and it was hard at first, but I always found a way to keep myself preoccupied" she explains.

"Then there was William" I ask and she starts to laugh.

"Then there was William" she nods. "He went to the church my mom worked at. He watched me for a while before he finally came up and talked to me. His parents weren't that happy about us being together, we might have met in the eighties but people were far from open minded. His parents didn't approve of a interracial relationship" she explains.

"So what did you guys do" I wonder.

"We didn't listen. He continued to see me and never once held back. He was different then, he listened to his heart and not his brain and I fell into his strong arms. He dated me against his parents will and we fell in love" she smiles.

"The whole rebellion must be a family thing huh" I tease.

"I guess so. But if the love is true then nothing will stop you. Not god or angry parents can deny two kids who love each other" she says.

"I think you couldn't be more right" I say smiling down at Gracie. She rests her hand over my heart causing me to smile back.

"Can I tell you something Jonny" Ruth asks and I turn my attention back to her.

"Of course" I insist.

"I really like you" she says and I smile. "I haven't seen anyone make my little girl this happy ever, and she met Justin Timberlake when she was a kid" Ruth jokes and I start to laugh.

"I told you so" Gracie teases and I chuckle.

"I am very very fond of your daughter. You guys did an amazing job with her" I say as I pull Gracie to my chest.

"Awww" Grace coos as she cups my chin and I laugh. "And I really don't want to break up this cute moment but I'm drinking iced coffee and have a small bladder so if you'll excuse me, I'm going to be right back" Gracie says getting up. She head off to the bathroom and I collect our trash up.

"Can I ask you a question" her mom says and I swallow hard.

"Yeah" I say as my voice cracks.

"Do you love her" she asks and I freeze.

I feel my heart beat fast and my palms start to get sweaty.

"Love is hard for me because all I know is heart break" I admit.

"Love isn't the same from person to person. You can even love the same person differently from time to time. But it's nothing to be afraid of" she assures me.

"I'm not afraid of love" I whisper. "I'm afraid of loving her the way I do, and having it all ripped away from me" I explain.

"I know you're scared, she is too. But she loves you a lot and you need to know there is nothing that's going to stop her from loving you. My husband is a powerful man, but he's not more powerful than love" she assures me.

"He sure as hell scares me" I admit.

"From what I hear, you can hold your own" she smirks. She looked just like Gracie in that moment.

"I might be a mess, but I have my head on straight. I know what's important, and Gracie is the most important thing to me" I insist.

"That's good to hear. And I really meant what I said earlier, I think you're a gray guy. Gracie thinks the world of you" she claims.

"I'm not half as good as she makes me seem" I insist.

"I don't know. My daughter doesn't lie about those types things" she smiles.

Eventually Grace comes back and we talk a little more before her mom had to leave. We say our goodbyes and decide to continue to hang out since it was such a cool little cafe. I look down as Gracie rested her head on my chest. I start to run my fingers through her hair as we sit there peacefully.

"Are you tired" I ask.

"I am now that you're running your fingers through my hair" she claims.

"Why don't you come crash at Patrick's and I place. I'll let you have my room then we can go to the game together" I say.

"Deal" she agrees.

I get up but she still sits in the couch. I smile at her as she stares up at me.

"What" I ask.

"Can you carry me" she asks and I shake my head. I turn around and bend down and she jumps up on my back. She wraps her arms around my neck and I hold on to her legs. I pinch her butt and I feel her squirm on my back.

"Watch it mister" she warns and I laugh.

"Come on. Let's get you a nap."

Amazing Grace (Jonathan Toews)Where stories live. Discover now