New Friend

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"Where are you going" my mom asks as I head toward the door.

"Jonathan invited me to watch a practice then we're going to grab lunch" I explain.

"Are you sure you want to do that" she asks.

"Are you sure you want to know the answer to that" I counter and she laughs.

"Since when did you become such a smartass" she smirks.

"I had to get it from somewhere" I say before pressing a kiss to her cheek. "I'll be back before dinner" I assure her before skipping out the door.

I get dropped off at Johnnies ice house where Jonny and I shared our first kiss, such a great memory. I let myself in and follow the sound of sticks and pucks. I find the ice and walk up the stairs to take my seat. I sit down and look out to the ice. There was only a few guys and I couldn't quite tell which one was which because they were all wearing red jerseys and black hats. But I was able to spot Jonathan and he quickly spots me. He starts to wave until someone a bit smaller than him pushes him out of the way and waves at me himself. I let out a giggle before waving back which made him pretty happy. That is until Jonathan pushes him back way harder than the guy did to him. They go back and fourth for a while until someone blows a whistle and they separate. I see the coach come out and they skate away from each other.

"Those two were going at it again, huh" someone asks and I turn around. I see a pretty young woman with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes walking down the bleachers. She sits next to me and I kinda felt like we were going to be friends. "I'm Abby, Patrick's girlfriend" she smiles.

"Hello Abby, I'm Gracie" I say.

"Ohhh so you're the girl who's got the captain on his knees" she smirks and I feel my face heat up.

"I don't know all about that" I defend.

"Well that's all I've heard about for the past month and some" she claims.

"Really" I ask.

"Really" she assures me. "That guy who was messing around with him is his roommate, Patrick Kane. And what you witnessed is a classic case of what happens when you put two generational players together on and off the ice and they spend way to much time together" she explains.

"So that was Patrick" I ask.

"We usually call him Kaner so he doesn't get confused with my Patrick" she says.

"Noted" I nod my head.

"So tell me about yourself. I can promise you these practices are no fun to watch" she winks and I laugh.

"There's not much to know. I was born and raised here in Chicago, I've been all over the world and I've met a lot of cool people. But as nice as that's been, I don't really think that's for me" I admit.

"I have no clue what you're talking about, that sounds like so much fun" she insists.

"It was, but now it's not. I think I want to get into the hockey scene, meet people who aren't exactly like the people I have already met" I say.

"I hate to tell you this, but hockey people are crazy" she insists.

"I like crazy" I smile.

"Then Gracie, welcome to the team."

I spend the next twenty minutes talking to Abby before the practice was already over. Either they are very confident in their abilities or they get paid a lot of money to do a whole lot of nothing.

Once they leave the ice Abby takes me down to the locker rooms where we wait. We exchange numbers and she promises me we will go for some coffee some time soon.

Eventually the double doors open and loud voices fill the hallways. A dozen men come out of the doors just talking and laughing. Finally I see Jonathan and he smiles big when he sees me. He leaves his friends and walks over to where I was standing before stoping in front of me. Without a word he grabs my face and pulls me into a long and passionate kiss. I hear some of the guys start to "oooh" and we reluctantly break apart.

"Hello there" I smirk and he laughs.

"Hey, are you ready to go" he asks and I hear a gasp from one of the guys behind him.

"You're really not going to introduce us to your girlfriend" one of the guys ask.

"No because I don't want her to leave me because I'm responsible for you idiots" he claims and another round of "ooohs" sound.

"Come on, you can't hide her from us forever" another guy chimes in. Jonathan let's out a long sigh before turning to me.

"I'm going to apologize now for whatever happens next" he says and I laugh.

"I think I can handle it" I assure him.

He turns us around and I see a bunch of guys smiling over at us.

"Okay, guys this is my girlfriend Gracie. Grace, this is Kaner, Steeger, Big Buff, Seab's, Duncs, Sharpy, and Big Hoss" he says and I laugh.

"I can't remember everyone's names" I insist.

"Well I'm the cute one" the guy I know for sure is Patrick Kane says. Jonny tells me about him all the time so I know about him.

"You're going to be the dead one if you don't back away" Jonny threatens and I smile. I thought it was flattering he was so over protective over me.

"He's sassy when he's around his girl, I like it" the man I believe to be Sharpy says.

"Don't give him a hard time" Abby warns as she  wraps her arm around him. "That was us not too long ago" she reminds him.

"Yeah. But I'm cuter than Jonny" Sharpy says and Jonathan just shakes his head.

"Are you going to keep insulting me or can I go hang out with my girlfriend now" Jon asks.

"Now that you say something-" Sharpy starts but Abby cuts him off.

"Actually... we were just leaving" she says pulling him away. "Goodbye Gracie, it was great meeting you" she smiles.

"You too Abby. Thanks for keeping me company" I reply back.

"Of course. See you soon" she waves before pushing Patrick out the door.

"So you made a friend I see" Jonny starts.

"I did. She is really sweet" I insist.

"She's great. I have no idea why she settled for for Sharpy" he claims and I start to laugh.

"Are you guys always so mean to each other" I question.

"Pretty much" he shrugs.

"Well I think it's really funny" I smile.

"And I think you're really cute" he says with a cheesy smirk and I just shake my head.

"Alright goofball, what's our plans for today" I ask as he grabs for my hand. He laces his fingers through mine before pulling me close.

"Let's go see the world."

Amazing Grace (Jonathan Toews)Where stories live. Discover now