Best Feeling

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Since the season was about to start I decide to go out shopping. Get a few more things for the new place and for the upcoming season. We had a big charity thing coming up that kind of got us started for the year then we would hit the ground running. But for right now we were just getting ready.

"Awww look at these baby clothes" Veronica coos as she picks up a little dress.

"Careful, pregnancy is contagious" I joke and she laughs at me.

"Don't you want kids with Jonny" she asks.

"Of course I do" I insist.

"When do you want kids" she asks and I kinda look at her weird.

"About that..." I trail off.

She's gasps loudly and I look around to make sure no one would hear this. People know who we were, and I didn't need them over hearing this.

"Are you preg-" she starts and I cover her mouth.

"If you want to live you are going to lower your voice. Got it" I threaten and she nods slowly. I take my hand off her mouth to reveal a big smile.

"You're pregnant" she whispers and I couldn't help but smile back. I slowly nod my head and it looked like she was going to combust. "Oh my god" she whisper yells.

"I know" I laugh. "I found out last week" I tell her.

"What? Who knows" she questions.

"Me and my doctors... and you" I say and she glows.

"I'm the first person you told" she gasps and I nod.

"I wanted to tell Jonny, I wanted to tell him so many times. But he loves being free and traveling, that's not so easy to come by with a kid. I want to tell him but I'm scared" I admit.

"You're an idiot" she says and I gasp.

"Wow. And to think you're my best friend" I scoff.

"You're an idiot because you think he won't be totally stoked" she claims.

"He's 22, he's so young. He has his whole life ahead of him" I explain.

"You are this whole life, your kid will be his whole life. He will never win anything better than you two. You know that" she insists.

"I'm so scared. I wish my mom was here so bad" I whisper.

"She's always here for you, but you got to listen to her. You know she would never let you think that having a kid is anything but a blessing. I know you're excited about this, I can tell. But you're telling yourself not to get too excited because you guys are young. But you guys are the oldest young couple I've ever met. I mean no one is more mature and strong headed than Jonathan and you're organizing charity work for one of the best professional organizations out there. You're going to be fine. In fact you'll be better than fine, you'll be great" she insists.

"How do I tell him" I ask.

"Lets keep looking at this cute baby things and let's think of something" she suggests.

"Okay" I smile.

"So... how are you feeling" she wonders as we look at all the baby stuff.

"I feel great. Only a month along and the doctors said I was doing good. The baby is small but it's in there safe. They just suggested I keep eating right and stay active, but I live with Jonathan so that's not a problem" I admit.

"That's good. Are you excited" she asks and I smile.

"Yeah. It's been hard keeping it in. I mean I talk about it all the time when I pray, I thank God for giving me such a blessing and I know my mom is smiling down on me. But this is the first time I've talked about it with someone who wasn't a doctor" I laugh.

I come up on a little onesie that said "shhh I'm watching hockey with Dad" on it and smile big. I pick it up and show it to Veronica as she laughs.

"That's incredible. You have to get it" she claims.

"What do I do? Just give it to him" I ask.

"No. Put it somewhere where he has to find it on his own. It'll be great" she insists.

"If you say so."

I buy the onesie along with some other things before heading home. Jon was over at Pat and Veronica's trying to figure out if they were rooming together on the road or not.

So I put the things away before I try to figure out what to do with the onesie. I contemplated putting it in the fridge but went against it. Instead I decide to put it on our bed in our room and let the cards fall where they may.

Eventually he comes home, he walks straight through the door and straight to where I was on the couch before laying on top of me. I let out a groan as I push him off.

"I've missed you so much" he insists.

"A "I missed you" without almost suffocating me would suffice" I laugh.

"Hey baby" he says turning to me. "I've missed you.

He kisses me softly then not so softly and I remember that's how I got in this situation in the first place.

"Can you do me a favor" I whisper.

"Anything" he claims.

"Can you go to our room and get me a blankie" I ask.

"Am I not warm enough for you" he wonders.

"I want to cuddle" I claim.

"Oh" he smirks. "Then let me go get you a blanket" he says.

He climbs off me and darts up to our room. I bite my lip as I wait for him to notice the onesie.

"Gracie" he yells and I smile. "Get your cute little butt up here... right now" he demands.

I hop off the couch and go up the stairs. I feel my heart racing as I walk up there. I get in the doorway before I was attacked. Jon softly wrestled me to the ground before hovering over me. He showers me with kisses and I try to fight him off.

"Jonny stop" I laugh.

"I can't. You make me the happiest man in the world" he claims.

"You're not mad" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No baby. The opposite actually" he insists.

I pull him down and press his lips to mine the right way. He lets out a little moan as our lips move together.

"We're going to have a kid" he whispers and I smile. "This is the best feeling in the world" he claims.

"The feeling is mutual."

Amazing Grace (Jonathan Toews)Where stories live. Discover now