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As soon as I got to Jonny's place after I got in a fight with my dad they had a game against the Sharks that night then headed off to Detroit for a game the next night. So I was left alone in a strange place with no money or clothes or anything like that. But I didn't need much, I slept on the couch then stole some of Patrick's clothes since we were about the same size if you took away all his muscle.

They get back on Christmas Eve and I was relieved. I don't do so hot when I'm by myself and I was scared my dad was going to find me. But he didn't and Jonathan was back so I felt a lot better now.

"What did you do while we were gone" Jonathan wonders.

"I cleaned up a lot because you guys are pigs. But I basically watched tv and ate" I admit.

"That's boring" Patrick claims and I laugh.

"What am I supposed to do? I can't go shopping, can't go get food, I can't walk around without freezing to death and have no money for a cab" I say.

"I left you money" Jonny insists.

"You left me your money Jonathan" I remind him.

"Nope. You live here now, what's mine is yours" he claims.

"That's not how it works" I giggle.

"My house, my rules" he smirks.

"Hey" Patrick whines and Jonny sends him a glare.

"Shut up Patrick" he warns and I laugh.

"I was actually just looking for jobs on Patrick's laptop.

Also, if you're going to watch porn can you at least close it out before you leave" I say turning to Patrick.

"I wanted to know how it ended" he shrugs and I shake my head.

"Anyway. I emailed a place not too far from here for a job helping the less fortunate" I say.

"Is that what you want to do" Jonny asks.

"I want to help people. Especially the people my father profits off of" I say.

"What is it he does... exactly" he questions.

"He is a part of the drug cartel" I say and Jonny laughs at me. He like actually laughs at me.

"No he's not" he claims as he continues to laugh.

"Jonathan... my father is a huge part of the drug cartel here in Chicago" I say again and he stops.

"You're kidding" he says.

"I'm not. They have a hand in everything, the sports organizations, the churches, the people who run this city. Theres people like him everywhere living it up without getting their hands dirty.

That's why he kept me in the house, why he was so protective. The bad guys don't know who I was, but he couldn't keep it up forever. So he tried to keep me away from anyone that could hurt me or figure out who I was. He really was trying to protect me, just from the wrong people.

And then he was trying to get me to do what he does and got mad when I refused. He loves this lavish life with a church wife to cover up what he's doing. But I know what was happening and I know that he hurts people. He associates with bad men then had then audacity to say that you're a bad guy. Tries to hook me up with some guy I can sucker into getting into the drug business because he knows you never will" I explain.

"Holy shit, that makes so much sense. Does your mom know" he asks.

"No. But he wouldn't dare lay a finger on her like he did me, so I know she's fine" I say.

Amazing Grace (Jonathan Toews)Where stories live. Discover now