A petal that falls,
Yet it floats to the ground.
Quickly, it goes,
Yet it won't make a sound.A light turns on,
A shower of gold
But you lie in bed,
And let your eyelids fold.A sapphire sky,
The backdrop for a cloud,
The gentle humming,
You complain it's too loud.A darkened room,
Too dark to see,
That the rain has stopped,
And the sun is free.A pear shaped tear,
To roll down your cheek.
It's there for a reason,
You shouldn't feel weak.You complain about rain,
Yet it drives you to sleep.
You're lost in your dreams
Until your alarm clock beeps.You don't have enough
And you're asking for more.
The answer is no,
So you slam the front door.You're out in the open,
Missing your home.
You curl up tight,
Cause you're feeling alone.You return to the light,
Showered in gold,
Because you're sick of the darkness,
That's making you cold.

Perfect poems
PoetryA mix of poems that I've written. Some are better than others but I hope you enjoy!