The begining

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Hello, welcome to my uh... new book. I am trying my darn hardest to write but its really hard with school and interviews in the way and my different ideas are popping into my head like popcorn. So here's my newest idea and I hope you all enjoy it:)



   I silently creep down the wall watching a man cornering a young lass. I shoot a flame from my hand, once I reach the floor making my face illuminated. The guy face flashes a scared look but quickly recovers with a balling kitten. I use my voice modifier and speak lowly,"I suggest you leave the lady alone or I might have to hurt you.". The guy whimpers before shooting like a bullet without the purse and away from the lassie and I.

Turning towards the lassie I speak kinder,"Here ma'am. I apologize for the man that tried to take your purse.".I hand the lassie her discarded purse.

She looks at me slightly confused before speaking," Why didn't you lock him up? isnt that what hero's like you do as your job??"

"No.... see I am a mercenary which means that I wont do anything until I get paid. I was merely passing through to my next job and I came to help you. I can be paid to protect or kill someone depending on the amount of money they are willing to pay.".

She just stays silent as I jump onto the emergency stairs outside of different apartments and the quickly walks away. Sighing I take my hand over my ghost scar before running back home. I climb and jump over different obstacles in different areas.

I finally see my car in the driveway and so I quietly climb through the door and into my room. Moly walks in after she hears me sit the door and smiles. "How was the evening miss?"she asks.
"Finally eventful?"

"Sadly it wasn't as eventful as I was hoping. I meet this fiery lassie and a lass who was trying to take the lassies purse. I eventually stopped the lass but the lassie had a few questions for me. I guess not everyone knows about mercenary aye?" I reply taking off my mask and placing it on my nightstand. She just nods before handing me a pair of clothes to sleep in.
"Was Clary food today?"

"Yes miss. She was super excited after she got out from school. She wanted to show you a picture she drew but you weren't here so she ended up showing me. Would you like to see it?"

"First off haven't I told you Molly that you don't need to call me miss. Second I would be delighted to see it. I feel bad knowing that she won't grow up without a father because I am not interested in them but more interested in the lassies.".

" I think she will be fine and you were given an offer for tomorrow night. They want you to protect the Avengers. Shall I respond with a yes?"

"What do you think?" I sat smirking as I pull in my robe. She leaves the room and that's when I slip off my clothings and pull on a pair of workout pants and a crop top. Molly has been with me ever since I hired her six years ago when I was planning to adopt. She met my go to if I am not here and is surprisingly okay with it. Seen as how I have nick fury as my go to Incase I am unavailable to call. I pull out my phone and look at my picture of Molly, Clary and I sitting in a bench.

Knocking comes from the door and I respond with a come in. Clary walks in with her blanket and hugs me tightly. "Hey kiddo how was your day at school?"

"It wasn't very fun."

" Well ain't up here and tell me all about how it wasn't fun."

"Well first we only read so u didn't get to draw you a picture until lunch time and by then I was super tired. We also learned some new words."

"Good. You know sweetie one of these days I may not come home, you know that right?" I ask holding her hands in mine.

"Yes mama. I also know I won't be getting a papa."

" I am sorry I can't always be there for you. Just know I will try to work my hardest to help though and support you in any way I know how."

"Okay. Can we go to be now?"

"Yes baby we can go to bed. I love you. "

"I love you too. "I reply as I see her run outside of the room and hopefully into her own. I close my eyes and silently wonder if I have anything this week.  When nothing pops up I yawn tiredly before snuggling under my bed sheets. I let the sleep I have been putting off pull me into an embrace.

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