Meeting the Avengers

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Hey guys Its nice to be back in the feild of writing. It has been a while and I remember an announcement I made a long time ago about how I would continue were I left off. Well I was wrong, seen as how I had to find some sort of inspiration. I usually am into writing that gay AF S*** but as soon as I finish this book I will maybe start writing some straight stuff. Intil then I hope you like the chapter...


   We talked for hours, as the evening rolled on to the end of the party. We just finished a conversation of our and I didn't know people were leaving until a man sat down next to me. I looked over to see it was Tony Stark the main man who threw the party. I smirk lightly before standing and waiting for my new freind Natasha to stand. I speak"It was nice to mee-". I got cut off by stark,

"You can hang with us if you want. I think Nat would kill me if she didnt get some action tonight."He says taking a sip of his tequilla. I snicker a bit before speaking,

"I dont mean to intrude sir,"

"You aren't intruding we all just hang out after these social events together. It wouldn't be horrible to let a new freind of Nat's to join us tonight."

"Well thank you sir, I hope I really am not intruding."I say, moving to sit back down. More people started to crowd the couch and sit making a weirdly shaped circle. We all made small talk as the night roamed on but were stopped as Steve Rogers spoke,"So what do you do for a living?".

Before I could speak, Bruce banner chooses to speak,"That is rude Steve.".

He makes a 'what' face and I couldn't help but laugh. This caught a bunch of people off gaurd but they soon got used to it. I choose to speak again,"Its quite alright Bruce, I actually dont have a job right now. I was asked to help protect some people in the near future. I used to be in the military and well once you leave they kick you away from money. I barely have enough to feed my child.". I think back on a small memory of when I came home to my girlfreind on the floor blood gushing from her head. I wince a bit but no one takes notice to it, besides Natasha that is.

"Well I am sorry to hear that. I wish the best for you and your child. May I ask what her name is?"Bruce asks again. 

I make move to whip out my phone to show them all a picture of Clary with a flower crown in her hair,"Her name is Clary and she is my little dork. She loves to brighten the room with anything she says. She is a lot like your freind Thor over there. Very bashful but hates loud noises."I say handing over my phone to him. Stark makes a move to look at the picture, but it is soon whipped from his grasp as bruce hands my phone back to me. We ended the conversation there and Tony started speaking about who could lift Thors hammer, and Then Clint said it was trickery. In the end it was just all of us taking turns trying to lift the hammer. 

"You should try pulling the hammer up Maria,"Nat says pushing me forward and towards the hammer. I smile abit getting away from my trance, and I make a move to walk up to it. Clint moves his feet out of the way and I take a big deep breath before trying to lift it up. Nope. I dragged it a few extra inches than Steves making Thor scared. He sighs before answering Clints question,"You simply are not worthy.".

"How could you be worthy...You're all killers.". We all look at the unknown voice and I begin to reach for my gun.

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