Last Battle

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Back to normal P.O.V
 I look around dully at the walls still surrounding me. I have no way to see what time of day it is, hence the dull lighting cast by the workbenches that were once here. I heard someone speaking, so I stand up quickly hearing the words coming closer."MARIA?!". They walk past and I see its Bruce.
"Bruce, whats going on?"
"Ah good, I finally found you. You need to change quickly and get ready to fight. Up tops looking pretty bad without me up there."
"OKay just hand over my stuff then."
"Oh yeah. Sorry. So, when did you learn Morse Code?"
"I told you, Military kicked me out. Of course, I got an honorary discharge but I was still not given a lick of money so I took to killing. You're looking at a marine."
"That would have been useful earlier."
"I did tell you guys. Now how am I gonna get out?"
Bruce looks down and then looks up and smiles. I step back and cover my head as he blows open the door, letting sparks fly. I smile at him thanking him mentally before slipping on my hood and mask and grabbing Banner's arm and running with him. We run down various hallways and I found the exit. Before I went that way I threw him off the building and watched as Hulk appeared and took his place. I motioned or the exit and we went our separate ways, me towards the main fight, and him towards the building to propel off of.

I run into the battle scene and I am immediately tackled by a wave of red energy. I look at the witch and I growl angrily as she maneuvers me in the air. I popped the bubble and hold she has on me and I went running, looking for more robots. I use my guns and start blowing holes in robots, as I run past my sight not leaving my main goal; a few kids. SHEILD already had a ship hear and I saw that they needed a child that was lost. I spot the kid and start to pull him out of the ditch," C'mon kid we need to get you back to your mother.".
I begin to pull him out but, I hear an engine running behind me. I look back to see a ship targeted by Ultron.

"Shit,"I say throwing myself in front of the kid, as Ultron starts hooting. I felt bullets pass through me as I hold onto the kid longer. I hear the ship go down and, I let go of the kid shoving him towards the ship that was a few meters away. He goes running as I fall onto my knees, and I see the city before me. All nice when we are on a floating island. Rogers runs up to me and he starts saying things, but I cut him off,"Keep Romanoff safe. I don't have any children so that was the cover. Giver her back to Fury as his niece. I want you to protect them for me ok."I say, trying to get my voice across. He just nods at my words before picking me up and running me towards the ship. I let the bright sun lull me away to where I wish to be. Alone in the world again.

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