Spotting new freinds

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I have nothing to say except that these past few chapters have been going great! I mean I am doing a lot of thinking on how to write my chapters which is causing me to really think on these. I hope you like the third chapter of this fun book!


I pull up to the valet and throw my keys at the guy waiting to drive it away. I look at him seriously and say,"Don't scratch it.". He just nods before rushing to my beautiful Lamborghini and driving off towards parking. I walk inside the front doors to see a bunch of people waiting to take the elevator. I just snicker at the line and head for the stairs trying to not have anyone following me up. No one thankfully does as I walk over to the emergency stairs and I slip through going unnoticed.

I begin my long journey up the stairs staying as quiet as possible.


I reach the top fairly quickly and I stand outside the barrier thats keeping me from my job. Dont worry about the people just keep a close eye out for the avengers and fellow heros . The crowd cant hurt you. I say to my self before I walk inside unnoticed. I keep my eyes out as I make my way towards the bar. I sit down in an empty seat and finally pull out my phone to see my daughter smiling with a dandelion flower crown strung through her blonde hair. Someone makes their way over to me and I look up slowly as they make a coughing sound. As soon as I do they are already speaking,"What kind I get a kind lady like you?"she asks her eyes dim but lit.

"well what do you have?"I ask making an analyzation of the lady in front of me. Vibrant hair, small lips, happy smile, pale skin. Russian. I smile a bit before I speak again,"whats a lass like you doing here?"I say again my accent going through the roof. I dont think the kind red haired russian lady knew that I was flirting but then again all russians are full of surprises. 

"Well I work here."She says not getting to detailed.

"Nice.  I dont have a job at the moment."Smooth Maria, Smooth just lie again to the red haired avenger.

"I wish I could give you a job but I dont work as boss that the CEO's job I believe. I was never big on job hunts. Any luck so far?"She asks.

"Yes, I was actually offered a job today and I came her hoping to celebrate.  So.... whats with the party? I have to ask."

"I honestly dont know I think its for the people who were working on a big science project."

"Maybe well never know. Im Maria you?"I ask playing dumb.

"Natasha. Wanna go talk on the couches?"She asks lending me a hand from behind the counter.I shake my head nodding and laughing. She takes that as her cue to jump over the counter because next thing I know she is standing right beside me. We walk side by side to the couches and we sit down with some wine that appeared out of knowhere. We begin talking with small things about our cultures and lives keeping our last names private.

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