Let's go

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Hey, guys, I am currently writing this at like 12 ish so mind me I am exhausted from the lack of sleep I am getting. Anyways I hope you enjoy this weeks story and well Peace?!


  Yawning I look back at my blank screen hoping something would pop up. I put out an APB not only 5 hours ago and nothing is happening. It's like Ultron just wants to fuck with me today. I look at my watch to see it is only 9 ish. I just glare at it before standing to want to stretch my leg muscles. my phone starts beeping and I instantly pull it open to see one of the bird's security cameras showing me Nat. Sighing I subconsciously run my hand through my hair before clicking the ok button on opening the hatch.

In march's  Nat, mind you is looking pretty pissed off at me. She drops something on the table and says one word,"EAT!". I stare at her blankly as she is fuming above me. She is like one of those mothers that will make you do something you don't want to do.

"But if I eat then I won't get to keep looking,"I reply, looking right back up at her.

She sighs before speaking,"Did you send out an APB and a missing person?"


"Then that's all you can do in your power. I am sorry but you have to know that your daughter wants you to come rescue her when you are at you best. SO.... eat then shower, then sleep."

"Fine. What did I miss during the dinner?"

"You missed meeting the kids, again. I think they are pretty bummed out seen as how they've met everyone else but you fully. They are literally hanging off of Thor's biceps. Anyways have you just been looking for your family's location this whole time?"

"Yeah," I say stuffing my mouth full of food before swallowing it,"I put out an APB for both of them and Missing persons just in case  No doubt that Ultron saw seen as how he's connected to the web. Did anything else happen while I was in here?"

"Not that I know of. We all kind of just got angry because we all lost. I wanna show you the twins we fought today. Maybe you could adopt them making them official kids and not runaways."Nat says showing me some pictures of them. I shake my head smiling before eating again.

"Who cooked this?"I asked, gesturing to my plate. She smirks and stands there before pulling out some night clothes for me and pushing me towards the bird's bathroom. She sets them down on the countertop before leaving, closing the door behind her. I slowly take off my suit to see all the black marks from the previous fights. I see a big cut and I start rummaging around for any First Aid supplies. I finally found a needle and thread and I began to stitch up my arm creating a nasty scar.

I pull on the nightshirt and pants before throwing away the cut up suit. I slip on my SHIELD jacket before walking out and turning off the light. In front of me, Natasha was on my makeshift bed already in the covers and reading, flipping pages like crazy. She looks up as the door swings shut for a final time. I make my way over to my tablet and I turn on notifications before turning off the lights. The emergency light comes on and I groggily walk towards the bed collapsing on the sheets.

I groan in my pillow, before sitting back up and pulling my gun under my pillow. Natasha doesn't even bat an eye as I slip it under my pillow before pulling the cover up to my face."Hey, bird?"I call out to the AI. I completely forgot about it still being here.

"Yes, Agent 491?"

"Alert us if anything happens."

"will do Agent 491."

"Agent 491?"Natasha asks looking at me.

"Yeah.... you?"

"Not telling."

"I'll get it out somehow,"I say taking one last look at her before dozing off into the pillow, letting the birds electricity lull me to sleep.

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