Rescuers and rescuee

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I dazing wake up to see a gray smudge in my vision. Blinking I only see that it's Ultron and I quietly groan as he notices me awake. He starts speaking but I can't make out anything and so I violently move backward trying to find a space where I can strike from. I walk behind a few bars and that's when he chooses to enclose me into a jail cell.
I can hardly hear anything and all I see is him killing himself in a new body bigger and more bulkier.
As soon as he looks away I see my vision clear up and in front of me are some rocks. I make a move for it and I retrieve it. I click them together to create Morse code as Ultron loses himself in his work just like his creator.
•• ( i )
•- - - ( am )
••-• ( In )
-•••-•• (need )
- - - ••-• ( of )
•-••-•-•- -•••-••••( Avengers )
••••••-•••- - • ( help )
-••••••••• ( this )
••••• ( is )
- -•-•-••••- ( Maria )
I tap the rocks furiously together hoping someone will answer me as finally my hearing starts to come back. I sit there tapping and waiting sending the same message over and over again. I await the future, dreading to see them again.

Natashas P.O.V

I stand on the Tarmac waiting for Maria's daughter to arrive. Ultron sent us a coded message saying that for Maria she was sending Clary. I guess I get to finally meet her then, The robot sets down onto the tarmac carrying a small object curled u into a sack. The minion sets it down before blasting off, and Bruce and I race towards the child package. Inside lays Clary not really beaten, and a note for me?? Bruce checks over her injuries, while I smoothed back her hair.
She looks so much like her mother that it is painful to see how she is curled up in my arms when her mother is not.
Its weird, how in some instances we would be moving too fast, but to me, we have been moving to slow and I promise that when Maria gets back we will have a proper date and Clary will get to officially meet me.
"Bruce, can you take her to the med bed right near where I am staying, she might find comfort in me seeing as how of our relations. I am gonna start tracking for Maria, and I will tell you if I find anything.". Bruce just smiles a soft smile before picking the girl up from my arms so that he can get her situated. 
Clary is so brave to have gone this far and still look peaceful while sleeping in a world of monsters. I pray silently to god that Maria will make it back out and I start looking for any traces she left behind. This is gonna be a long night. 
When cap touched down is when I got a hit, a few hours earlier Clary woke up and looked frightened until I told her I was a friend from her mothers work. She looked less frightened as I explained to her that she would be coming with us to go and get her mother once I find her. She looked happy at that agreement, and I knew that what Maria told me about Clary was true. She definitely does brighten up the whole room with her smiles.

I look at my screen to see that there is a match, in sokovia, where the old base was. I grumble quietly about how its always there before grabbing my gun to go tell everyone to suit up. I look up at the glass connecting us to the lab to see the Witch and Speedy. I could see Clint's gaze longer at Speedy and I shoot at the glass to bring them down.
Speedy falls and that's when Clint attacks and pulls his bow out and aims at his arms and legs. Speedy cant gets up with my foot weighing him down. I aim my gun at his head and he looks calmer and peaceful, not like what we witnessed at our previous fights.
Something flashed in Clint's eyes and suddenly he was pulling him up, and shaking his hand and welcoming to the right side.
I start taking the stairs, trying to make it back up there, while Speedy starts talking about what was happening. I felt a tug on my arm, and I see that CLary wants to come with. I could see the puppy dog eyes coming out and I can see why she couldn't say no to those eyes. I pick her up and we continue running up the stairs, two at a time until we reach the living room where everyone is gathered. 
I look at the humanoid robot and wonder what the hell happened between when I got back here and now. The robot had a yellow stone glowing out of it and we just gathered the last part of the conversation."That's true he hates you the most."The thing said.
"I am so sorry that I was late, but um, who are you and why are you here?"I asked backing away from the robot.
"I wish to not cause distress, Miss. Romanoff. I am vision."
"Why do you sound like Jarvis."
"We configured him,"Stark says throwing his hands in a surprise sort of way.
"So you made another killer robot, but instead he's helping us?"
"We are going to die,"I say setting down Clary and walking to our suit up area. I pull out my widow bites and my guns. I pull on the suit and start loading up, getting ready to get back Maria.

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