The first fight

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Hey guys. It's been a while as you can tell. My charger broke so I have been waiting to get a new one. Meanwhile I am typing on my small ass iPhone se. pray for me as the small words come across your screens.  Anyways I hope you enjoy and well vote!
To say the least we fought. A lot. Apparently uptown added two new people onto his side and he took a bunch of vibranium. Yipeee. And he didn't even bring daughter. I gave myself up and he didn't agree to the bargain he said. Oh and how could I forget...... Dr. banner hulked out because of miss devil witch. One of the two twins that were there with ultron. I can't believe he would make them child soldiers. They fought for the wrong side because of..... well to be honest I don't actually know. Right now we are all licking our wounds on the quinnjet to a safe house Barton knows. I sigh again at the recollection on the memory from earlier that day.


I was running around to the ring lords office hoping to find it useful, because just hours before I was sitting in a jet thinking abut how I am gonna burn Ultron  Apparently when I said that I was given looks, some shrugged it off other didn't. I pull out my gun and glide through the hall until I am a few feet behind the doors.. I got here just in time, I thought as I see ultron already talking to the ring lord along with these little children. I silently stand near the door blending in with my emotionless and motionless state.

The red haired girl uses her hands and red whisps start shooting out of it, leaveing the man in question sitting there in slight awe. All of a sudden I see her slowly turning towards my general area, yet no one questioned it. No one even noticed it, except her. We locked eyes before she looked back to the ring lord and used her powers against him. Ultron  slowly glides up behind ulysses and well... I didnt wait to find out. I silently ran down the halls to my position for the plan to actually work. I sprint by Barton and Romanoff who were startled by my presence.

I nod towards them before continuing on my way. I reach my little nest and start setting up my riffles. All of a sudden hell brakes loose and I am resulted to fight. I start shooting at the enemy but a wave of red starts floating to me. Jumping up I leave my rifles and take out my staff getting ready to fight the little sokovian. She appears out of no where by herself. SHe says nothing as she approaches closer and lays down a few photgraphs and a letter. I kneel before the sokovian girl before me before grabbing the stuff and stashing them into my utility belt.

Looking up I see tears starting to form in her eyes as i smile at her. No anger or anything a true smile. "mulțumesc." I say towards her and she slowly walks away. I pray for her and her brother to live in this battle and to join us. I stand up and start running to Natasha as I see thor is unresponsive. I see her kneeling on a staircase of the east wing with her muttering russian."Всё в порядке, хорошо,"I say murmuring into her ear sweet nothing to try and bring her back. I cradle her in my arms and I see Barton start running up to us. I shake my head no, as I could tell what he was about to ask me.

"Мария?"She asks her eyes slowly hazing bck to her origin. I look back up to see a outline of clin barton who probably left.

"Да любовь?"I ask kissing her forehead. She slightly smiles before her eyes haze over again leaving me with a shell of an assassin. I pick her up bridal style and kiss her slightly like a sleeping beauty before carrying her back to the jet. By now Tony was out kicking Hulks ass, thor was also un responsive, and well thats all i got.I speak in my ear meaning it towards Barton,"Is the door open?".

"Yes it should be, are taking Nat back to the ship?"

"Yes, I will see you there. Also can you look for thor? He was unresponsive for some time and I am getting kind of worried."

"On it. Anything else madam?"

"No servant! Leave and carry out your duties."

I laugh slightly at the man before I continue walking away and out of the grounds.


Nat awoke only an hour ago and I think she remembered what happened earlier and now I really dont want to talk to her, for the fact that something might happen. I like this little banter, she deserves way more then the lowlife human I am. I start cleaning my blades on a seat waiting to land, the clouds dance above me. I begin to hum a song only I would know;

the light shines so brightly above the earth,The angels soar proudly.The fighting stops,For now......

The war drags on,The light slowly fades.We sit in harmony,Singing ,

Wondering whats to come.

We open our arms,Hoping to fight Then we all stopAround the circle of life.

Yes we stop,around the circle of life.

My notes fill the air as we slowly fly on towards our new home.

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