Now what.... re-Group?

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HEYYYYYYY!!!! I am off my depressed state. Isn't that good! anyways I hope your week is good so far and well keep reading!


Once Barton lands the plane I am the last to walk off because I wanted to make sure that everything was fine and cant be breached by hydra even though I shouldn't be worrying about it. I start powering down all the machines that wouldn't be useful to save some energy for the flight back to wherever we are going. Sighing I sit back in the pilots seat just trying to get a grasp on everything in the past 48 hours. Hell, I haven't even gotten a full bed rest yet because I have been to worried for them. Clary. Molly.

I stand abruptly when I hear knocking coming from the birds entrance. I starteledly look over to see Nat standing there smirking at my jumpiness. I shake my head in annoyance before I sit back down in the Pilots seat. Natasha makes a move towards the co-pilots seat is stopped when I put my feet on the chair. SHe just glares before sitting down in front of me..... on the ground."Why are you here Nat? need a weapon in case the house isnt safe enough?"I ask boredly looking throught the many buttons now finding them really interesting.

"Well I actually came here for you. You weren't there when you were intruduced to Clints family and so I started wondering. We all picked rooms and well since we are the only girls here we are sharing."


"You know its okay."

"Whats okay?"

"Its okay to be sad."Nat says pausing before speaking again,"With Clary your daughter gone and well your maid? It is allowed for you to cry. No one is gonne frown at that."

"My training taught me to never cry in situations like theese. In fact I shouldnt even be in a situation like this. I blame FURY! Hes the one that got me attached, and if he was here right now I would hit him in the stuffing."I practically yelled at myself more than her. 

Natasha just stays stoic the whole time throught my little rant."He has a daughter you know."

"Yeah, and what has this to do with me. I mean for god knows what she is halfway across the world and is all alone. Its all my fault."

"No its not."

"Yeah it fucking is. You didnt take a job just to make your kid happy. You didnt eave the house without saying goodbye. All you did was be protected by an aloof idiot like me. God I am so unuseful right now."

"Your right you are."


"You are so unesful because you wont actually fight for them. You wont fight for your captured family. All you will do is just sit here and wallop in self pity."

"Well I am sorry if I am not a god, or a supersoldier, or a multi complex billionaire, or some enhacned beings. No what I am is a person who decided that they should get their child back. i am going to fight for them......."

"Good and while your doing that you will also....."Nat says standing up and walking closer, almost to close but not to far. Natasha leans in closer and closes the gap between out lips. Now when most people say that it was fireworks going off in front of a sunset, mine was more then that. It was like a bunch of firework bombs went off making the kiss seem everlasting.It took me a second to even realize what was happening and before long it was turning into a full blown make out session.

I gasp for breath letting our foreheads touching making it easier to see each others eyes."So what do you say that once we get back we go  on a date?"I ask holding her face in my hands. She just smirks a little before leaning back and taking my hands. She starts running making me drag with her, as she runs up stairs and over hills and stuff. Once we stop I look up to see a door knob and she opens it while still dragging me along with her into the living room where there was a kiddo coloring, a kiddo playing with legos, and the team? plus one extra.

"Hey um Natasha mind letting me go. No offense but you have a killer grip and I cant feel my wrist."I say looking up at her. She smiles a bit before letting go leaving me to thump on the ground. I groan before slowly standing up now, just getting rude weird looks from the people around me.

"You must be Maria their bodygaurd????"

"Not anymore. I am just in it to get my children back." I state trying to shrink back into the walls.

"Oh you also have kids? what are their ages?"

"Oh well my littlest is Clary who is 4. My oldest isnt actually mine but she is 18. Her name is Molly."

"Ohhhhh.... That seems complex? Sorry, I dont know what to say. But welcome to our humble aboad your roo-"

"I am sorry I hate to interupt but I need to head back to the bird. Nice to meet you Mrs.Barton. and well bye?"I say sprinting out of the room nearly tripping on a toy. I glide down the stair steps and back into my little home. I plan to sleep in the bird tonight so that I can easily use weapons incase of emergencys. I jump back in and start setting up my bed for the night and other utilitys. We have a shower aboard so I wont have to use theirs. Bathroom, check. kitchnette, check. Ill be fine while waiting for any source of detail.

I pull open my tablet and laptop and I start searching. For them.

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