.Strongest metal.

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Hey!!! How are you guys?? I hope well. Anyways here is another chapter.


I walk to my door and down the emergency staircase not gasping for air until the end. I take a deep breath before walking in, my panic already rising. I see Stark,Banner,Barton,Romanoff, and Rogers."Need any help? like web?"I ask knocking on the door frame. They all jump at me entering besides Natasha, who most likely new I would knock.

"Well..... We could use some help... I guess. Um....."Steve says looking at Stark and Banner probably looking for help or something.

"Let me stop you there sir, I am only here helping you until I get my daughter, and I still need to fulfill my mission which is protecting you 5, got it. SO give me a job before I take it from you."I spit out. I hate being away from her when she is in distress. Sighing I mumble an apology knowing that the Leader of Coulsons crusade heard me. He smiles a bit before handing me a folder.

I begin to skim through the contents keeping an eye out for any metals. They began to speak and well I kind of just sat there until I heard someone clearing their throat. I look up to see Steve motioning to leave and I quickly run after everyone else. We all pile into a ship and then I decide to finally ask,"So where are we going?". 

Everyone just gawks at me while I was standing holding onto the wall. Stark chuckles a bit at my oliviousness and went back to flying. Romanoff steps forward,"We are going to get the strongest metal on earth.".

"Which is??.."

"What cap's sheild is made out of."

"Okay... so we are going to go and fetch some metal from ultron.... Is he trying to upgrade or something?"

"We dont know... What we do know is that we found him and we need to get him under containment."

"Okay, then after we get him can I beat im to a pulp andleave with my daughter?"

"We are not quite sure that he has your daughter."

"Well he better because it will be raining down hell if we dont find her."

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