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I am really excited. I have an interview tomorrow

 wish me luck?


    We pull up to a light quietly as if I am forcing her here. As if!!. I open the door and walk to her side and be the gentlewoman I am and open it for her. She stays stoic and nods, before standing and walking to the sidewalk. The white button up is doing some good for her black skirt."Well welome to my humble home. Do you need to borrow some clothes?"I ask as I open the door to my house. She walks in and slips off her shoes.

"Yes please."She says as she goes to take a look around.

"Whats your size."I ask bluntly.


"What is you shirt and pant size. Do you need to borrow shoes?"I ask again, more serious then before.

"I already told you...."

"Yes well since a hour or two ago you didn't exactly know the real me. So I am asking."

"Anything you have will do fine. It might give off some attention for the boys."

"Yeah, I can see them crushing on you." I say to her before walking up the stairs with her. She follows me up and we head for my room first. I grab a bunch of weapons and my suit, before grabbing a brush and lipstick. I grab my combat boots before grabbing my necessities. Basically my chargers and a blanket. I shoo her out of my room again before heading to Mollys.

I shift through her clothing throwing them all at Natasha hoping she could quickly change into something more freely. After I throw some stuff at her I turn around to see her in a half naked state. I stare for a while in a gaze and I didn't know she was talking."You know, if I didn't know any better, I would think you have a crush on me." She says smirking as she pulls on clothes.

I chuckle before answering,"Yeah, to you.... Thats priceless. I definitely dont have a crush on you. Now if you could finish getting changed then we can head to our final destination.". She shakes her head smiling while slipping on the shirt I gave her. We walk out again but this time to across the hall and into Clarys room. I push it open to see it the way it was left. Clean. I walk to her bed and grab some stuff like toys, clothes and a hairbrush. Natasha looks at me weirdly before looking around the room. 

The room is covered with sky blue, her bed sheets, comforter, walls, desk and closet. I smile at the picture of Molly, Clary, and I sitting around a campfire singing. I didn't know I was crying until I felt s few tears escape my eyes."Damn traitors."I mutter to myself more than her. I quickly wipe them away before looking around more for anything else i will need. I sigh in defeat as I find nothing else I would certainly need.

I walk out last as soon as Nat notices i was done. I hug her pillow quickly before walking downstairs and into the silent night. Well as silent as it can be for New York.


The drive back to the tower took forever, given the fact that I just wanted to stay inside my home and wait for Ultron to hand her back. Sadly, that wont happen until I can pull her from him. The bright moonlight at 2:00 am is still a alit in the sky thankfully giving us some more time until dayset. The blurry lights above us flicker as we pass, causing panic from those around us, but I just know that its Ultron meesing with us. Messing with me.

 We park downstairs again, before taking all of my bags upstairs and into my now room. I set them on the bed before pulling out a few weapons and tightening them to my holster still in my dress. My Dress! I remind myself. I look at Natasha,"Can I please change out of this dress. I completely forgot once we went to my place.". She nods at me before walking out the door, probably understanding where I was going. I pull out my non spandex suit and slip it on , in the process of taking off my dress. 

Once I get out of the devil trap I set for myself I put my blades and guns into their respective spots.I slip on my steal toed boots before walking out and looking for everyone. I also pull out my phone to start looking at where Ultron was at. See before he left I put a web tracker on him so it would be quicker to get him and stop him. My offer is still up until tomorrow at 7 pm. So I have to protect them, Clary and Molly, while also battling Ultron himself.

I guess I have to be a superhero for once

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