Batman: chapter 9

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I am shaken awake by cat to find myself at a dock. I see the taxi driver is waiting for me to get out impatiently. I stumble out of the car and cat seems aggravated as well. The taxi drives away and I look around the crummy dock to see it's empty. I also see the sun is starting to rise and I realise how much time has gone by. It seems like it was still yesterday. I look to cat as she's looking around. "Hey selina, what are we doing here?" She sighs and looks at me, I'm sure I look like a wreck and remember I'm still in Harleys night cloths. She walks over to me stomping her heels as she speaks, "were meeting bats here, but he's late! I swear, he never seems to be on time." As she says that I hear the roaring of an engine only to see a slick It's what I can only assume is the batmobile. The man himself jumps out of the batmobile and walks over to us in a brooding manner. "Speaking of the devil, what took you so long?" Batman looks at me and I look away feeling intimidated, which I don't know why because I don't feel that way towards j and he's threatened me, but this man has done nothing. He looks back at cat and with a scratchy growl says, "got caught up with other things. What's with the blue and the outfit?" Bats nods to me and I play with my hair as I realize not all the blue came out. Selina sighs and walks to me, "long story." She hugs me and whispers, "he's not as scary as he seems." I look over to see him brooding at us and I whisper back, "I doubt that." We giggle and she waves as she disappears among the buildings surrounding the docks. I follow Batman to his car and gets in. As I look around I see many different buttons and it's completely black and sleek. "Put this on." I jump at the sound of his voice and look to his hand to see a blindfold. I raise an eyebrow and he sighs but it sounds strange, it made me realize he's using a voice changer, "look I can't let everyone know where the batcave is, especially if they are affiliated with the joker." I look at him a bit angrily as I rip the blindfold out of his hand and puts it on as I smirk, "just don't be angry with me if I get car sick."

Le time skip

Bam! I'm on the floor again. It's been an hour of me and Batman sparring. He calls it "seeing what I've got" but I call it "let's beat the shit out of lizzy till she bleeds." Bats gave me workout leggings and a tank top and I've put my hair into a pony tail. I get back up to hear him growl to me "come on! From what catwoman has said you have a lot more fight in you then this!" I get back into fighting position as we circle each other a bit. I go to throw a punch but he quickly bobs out of the way and lands a punch to my stomach pushing me back. As I stumble I look up to see him stretching a bit as he growls back out, "if you want to protect yourself you have to at least be able to throw a punch! Cat said you use to protect her and isley, now you can't even protect yourself, cant even protect harley!" I growl as I get back in fighting position and so does Batman. He's the first to throw a punch this time and I easily dodge it. He goes to punch my stomach and I catch his fist and goes to kick his feet out from beneath him but he jumps. I quickly get up instantly having to dodge another punch, he throws another and I dodge again and throw a roundhouse kick to the head and he stumbles back a bit. As he's stunned I elbow him in the face and the grabs his head and slams it on my knee, he stumbles a bit and nods in approval. I'm breathing hard and I smile a bit as he walks over to me. "That's what I expected from you. I've heared so much, I'm glad I could see what cat has said." I nod my head and look away, Batman coughs and crosses his arms. "Time for real practice, have any talents I should know about?" I smirk as I think and puts my hand on my hip, "well I use to do gymnastics and ballet." He smiles and walks over to a cabinet in the room I can only assume has fighting supplies in it. He opens it and turns around to show padding for your arms and legs. "Gear up, you'll need it."

Le time skip

By the time I got home I dropped the bag of supplies and practice things in and dropped onto the couch. I instantly thought about the first time I learned to fight, my dad taught me when I was young. It was one of my fondest memories with my dad, since most of the time he was gone or drunk. He had a friend that taught classes on defending yourself and he made his friend teach me for free. It helped when I was on the streets, I never knew when I'd have to fight. I roll onto my back and lazily takes my shoes off as I get comfortable. I can see the city from the huge window and the way the lights sparkle onto the dark night sky made me feel relaxed and sleepy. As I start falling asleep I see the sign of a man who has helped me so much in one day. Thank you Batman, but I pray I won't have to use what you've taught me anytime soon. I fall into a nightmare filled night once again.

*thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!!*

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