Chapter Two

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Albus and Isabelle chatted during the train ride until the boy dozed off. The young Hufflepuff was left watching him as he slept with a small smile.

Albus had rested his head on the window and was snoring lightly. Isabelle had caught him one or two times speaking to himself in his sleep. He seemed peaceful as he slept, she noticed, and she found herself not wishing to wake him up. As the hours passed, she realised she had to change into her robes.

Reluctantly, Isabelle left her friend in the compartment after grabbing her Hufflepuff robes from her suitcase and headed to the loo in order to change. She was not away from the compartment for long.

When she returned, she found everything the way she had left it. She took her seat opposite Albus and looked outside the window. She had absolutely nothing to do. It seemed like that would be a long train ride.

"Anything from the trolley?"

The young woman looked outside at the trolley lady as she moved. She bit her bottom lip. She was not hungry, but Albus had claimed that he had been. Most likely, he would still be hungry after waking up. She moved as quickly as she could and opened the door of her compartment.

"I would like to buy something!"

The trolley lady stopped at the sound of the female's voice. Slowly, she turned around and flashed a smile at Isabelle who walked towards her.

"What would you like, dear?"

"Some Liquorice wands, please," she replied instantly, knowing that it was Albus's favourite. She searched into her robe pockets to find any money she could give, and after some time, she found what she was looking for. She paid for the candies and with a polite smile at the woman, returned to the compartment she had been previously occupying.

Isabelle closed the door behind her and limped to her seat. She sat down and placed the liquorice wands on the empty seat next to her.


The girl almost jumped at the sound of Albus's sleepy voice, having not expected the boy to be awake. She looked at him as he yawned and stretched at the same time. He blinked so as to drive the drowsiness away and then shot a lopsided smile at her.

"Hey," she mumbled before handing him over the liquorice wands she had bought for him. The Slytherin's eyes widened as he looked at the candies and then back up at his friend.

"You bought these for me?"

"You said you were hungry," she shrugged, "I just thought it would be nice if you had something to eat when you woke up."

"Thank you, this is very kind of you," he murmured before taking a bite from a liquorice wand. "How far are we from Hogwarts?"

"Too far, Albus."



Silence fell on the compartment as Albus continued eating and Isabelle watched him. It was a comfortable silence, as the two had gotten used to having the other around each other. Words did not need to be exchanged and neither one of them bothered to start a conversation with the other. The Hufflepuff looked outside the window, a smile on her lips as she thought that they were getting closer to Hogwarts. The Slytherin ate happily, thinking that these liquorice wands were absolutely perfect.

The sound of the door sliding open shook both of them out of their thoughts as they turned their attention to the one that had entered. Isabelle's heart started beating wildly against her ribcage and a huge smile appeared on her lips, her eyes lighting up.

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