Chapter Five

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Rose and Isabelle got in the Great Hall where they had to separate their ways. With a fleeting smile and a wave on Isabelle's part, the two walked to different tables. The blonde, sat alone, as her friends had yet to come. In order to occupy herself with something, she started piling food in her plate. After all, she had nothing better to do.

The young woman started eating in peace and silence, but she was not alone for long. Soon enough, she felt two people sliding next to her, one on her right and one on her left side. She briefly glanced up to see who it was, and immediately, a smile appeared on her lips.

"Good morning."

"Good morning," the two echoed back, a smile on Scorpius's lips and a small smirk on Albus's.

"Can I ask you something?" Scorpius asked her, the smile not leaving his lips. "I had a disagreement with one of my dormmates, and long story short, we placed a bet," the Hufflepuff frowned slightly but said nothing. "Remind me again, Isabelle, which classes do you take?"

"What does that have to do with your bet?" she laughed, momentarily forgetting all about Albus as she turned to Scorpius.

"Well, he said that I generally do not remember anything that has to do with my friends and I claimed that I did remember which classes you take," he shrugged, "So, just to make sure, which classes do you take?"

Isabelle raised an amused eyebrow, but said nothing."Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology and Potions. We are together in Potions and Herbology, right?"

"I knew I remembered it!" Scorpius exclaimed, looking immediately at the Slytherin table. He caught the eye of one of the boys and shot him a wide smirk before turning back to the female next to him. "Indeed, we share these classes together."

The two shared a smile, but their moment was interrupted as Albus scoffed.

"Well, go on, ignore me, act as if I am not right next to you."

Both Scorpius and Isabelle turned to Albus who was scowling lightly as he had been ignored momentarily. The Hufflepuff could not help but giggle lightly as she caught sight of his expression. He was quite the dramatic person, sometimes.

"Well then, we are together in Potions, Herbology and Charms, aren't we?"

"I am quite surprised you remember that," the dark haired boy admitted, his lips curling slightly upwards, momentarily forgetting all about his previous annoyance. "What do you say, are you going to sit with any of us in classes?"

"Well, let me think," she paused for a minute, her eyebrows furrowed in consideration. "Rose, Hailey, Bernard and I are together in Transfiguration, Cassidy and I meet during Charms and I do not have Garry in any of my classes. I am most probably going to sit with Rose during Transfiguration, I will sit with Cassidy in Charms, but I could sit with you during Potions or Herbology," she concluded, and the two males smiled slightly at that.

"That's fine," Scorpius allowed. He briefly looked away from her, and slowly started standing up. Isabelle watched him in confusion as he left his seat, and soon enough, Albus followed his example.

"Where are you going?"

"Your Hufflepuff friends are coming," the blond explained, flashing her a smile that made some heat rush to her cheeks. "We will see each other later, right?"

"Right," she nodded, sending a wave at both males who returned the gesture before leaving to the Slytherin table.

Isabelle was not left alone for long, as seconds later, Bernard sat down next to her, his girlfriend sitting on his other side. Cassidy and Garry sat down opposite them, and the Hufflepuffs shared a smile before they started piling food in their plates.

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