Chapter Eight

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Scorpius and Isabelle were separated as they headed to their tables. A small smile was on the woman's lips as she reached her table and sat down, casting glances at the Slytherin table once in a while.

The moment Scorpius had found out her condition, she had thought things could not get worse than that. She had thought that he would tell everyone about the prosthetic, that he would start mocking her because of her limping like all the children in the muggle school she had once attended. She had thought that she would find herself without any friends, as they would either not wish to be seen with her or they would just look at her with pity.

But nothing like that had happened, and Isabelle was happy.

She was happy that Scorpius would not tell anyone, that no one else would know. He had no issue with her disability, it seemed, and she would be able to keep her friends this way.

The smile did not leave her lips as she started eating, her eyes darting to Scorpius and Albus as they talked to each other in the Slytherin table. Albus seemed to have told something funny, as Scorpius threw his head back and let out a laugh that barely reached the Hufflepuff's ears.

Isabelle's smile widened just a little as she watched him laugh, admiring the way his eyes wrinkled at the sides. She watched as he turned to Albus and shot him a breathtaking smile that she knew, if it ever was directed to her, she would find herself having some trouble breathing.

It seemed like she had not noticed those coming around her, until the view of Scorpius was obscured by Bernard as he sat down.

"Well, whom were you looking with these dreamy eyes?" Cassidy teased lightly.

Immediately, a blush spread on Isabelle's cheeks. Bernard chuckled as he turned around, his gaze immediately resting on the Slytherin table. As he caught sight of Scorpius, a small smirk appeared on his lips.

"I think I know why she was like that."

"You do?" Hailey exclaimed as her boyfriend turned back to his front. Isabelle immediately hid her face behind her hair, making Bernard let out another soft chuckle.

"I am not going to tell you, darling. That's something between Isabelle and I."

Hailey immediately pouted as she looked up at her boyfriend, trying to get him to speak but he had decided he would do nothing of the sort, leaving her tries futile.

"It is not necessary that she was looking at someone, right?" Garry asked, looking between his friends for support. Isabelle, that had somewhat stopped blushing, turned back to her front as she continued eating.

"I don't think that is true," Cassidy replied, not turning her eyes from her friend. "Am I not right, Belle?"

The blonde gulped slightly as she looked at her food, her cheeks turning somewhat pink as she tried to avoid eye contact.

"You are right."

A triumphant smile appeared on Cassidy's lips as she shared a smirk with Bernard. Hailey clapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide as she looked at her friend. Only Garry seemed to not wish to take part in their happy mood, as the moment Isabelle had spoken, he had taken to playing with his food, a small frown on his lips.

"Come on, you have to tell us!" Hailey insisted, a pleading look in her eyes.

"No, I really don't have to."

"But Belle, please, I am dying for some information here!"

"Darling, don't push her, she is not comfortable about it," Bernard cut in gently as he placed a kiss on Hailey's cheek. "She'll tell you when she feels like it, right Isabelle?"

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