Chapter Fifteen

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The sun had just risen behind the mountains when Isabelle woke up the next morning. She was actually quite excited, as her first class for the day was Charms and there was a high chance that they would attempt the Patronus charm.

A small smile was evident on her lips as she fastened her case around her leg and got ready for the day. As she brushed her teeth and then her hair, she could not help but try to guess what her Patronus would be. However, she could not be entirely sure.

As she left the dormitory, she glanced at Cassidy's bed, only to see that she was sleeping. Without another thought, she left the room and got downstairs.

Cassidy was her companion in Charms, and she could not wait to ask her what she thought of the class they would soon attend. But for now, she just had to let her sleep.

Making her way to the Great Hall for breakfast, she did not find many people around. After all, it was really early in the morning. However, when she entered, she actually saw some of her friends inside.

Rose was sitting at the Gryffindor table, a girl with dark hair sitting just next to her. The two seemed to be talking excitedly about something she could not quite make out from where she was. Isabelle thought of going to her table and leaving them alone to their conversation, but it was too late. Rose had noticed her.


Smiling, the blonde made her way to the Gryffindor table. "Good morning."

"Good morning to you too," the redhead smiled at her, "did you sleep well?"

"Well, I was too excited to sleep for the majority of the night," she confessed as she sat down opposite the two. "You see, there's a high chance that today in Charms we will attempt casting the Patronus charm, and I can't wait to see what my animal will be!"

"That does sound interesting," the girl next to Rose smiled, "I would be excited as well if I were in your position."

"I don't know what animal I will get, though," the Hufflepuff frowned slightly before sending a small smile at her. "I am afraid I have never talked to you before. I am Isabelle, it is nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Isabelle, Rose does mention you," she smiled in return, "my name is Nihaarika-" she paused as the blonde's eyes widened at the long name, "just call me Niha, everyone does."

"I have heard your name somewhere," she muttered, before her eyes lit up, "now I remember! Albus mentioned you!"

"He did?" she smiled, "You are a friend of his?"

"I am. Did you have a nice time with him yesterday?"

"That they did," Rose smirked as she joined in the conversation, "they wouldn't shut up, actually. At some point, I thought they were competing."

Isabelle's eyebrows furrowed. "What kind of competition?"

"They were trying to see who would make the most lame joke in history."

"It was not that bad!" Niha exclaimed, only for her shoulders to drop when Rose shot her a look. "Was it that bad?"

"I am sure it was fine," Isabelle rushed to cut in, "if you and Albus had a good time, that's all that matters."

"What about me?" Rose exclaimed, "Think of me too, Demont!"

"Well, if it bothers you so much, don't go with them next time they meet up!" the blonde smiled, "I am always here if you wish to chat."

Suddenly, Niha gripped Rose's arm. The redhead's eyes widened as she looked at her friend, but she did not look at her. Instead, she proceeded to lean closer to her friend's ear. "Timothy is looking at you."

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