Chapter Forty-Seven

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After the professor's arrival and with the lesson starting, neither Isabelle nor Rose made any mention of the conversation they had shared before the lesson. As soon as they were dismissed, the Gryffindor had claimed that she had told Niha she would meet her in the library and had hurried to leave. As a result, Isabelle was left behind to gather her things in silence.

She grabbed her Transfiguration textbook and followed the rest of her classmates outside. She was about to head to the Hufflepuff common room to study without any disturbances when she noticed that on the wall opposite the door leading to the classroom was Scorpius. He was leaning against the wall for support, his eyes scanning the people that left the classroom until his eyes fell on her. As soon as he spotted her, a huge smile spread on his lips.

Isabelle didn't know why he was here or why he was smiling, but she couldn't help but smile back as she walked towards him. He pushed himself off the wall and headed to her direction as well, meeting her in the middle. Before she could ask him why he was here or even greet him, though, he raised both hands to either side of her jaw and without hesitation, he brought her in for a kiss that was rather strong compared to all the other times he had kissed her.

Her eyes widened instantly at the motion and caught off guard, she didn't have the time to respond in any way as he pulled back, his smile, if that was even possible, even wider than before. She watched him with a smile of her own even if her eyebrows were furrowed in what could only be described as confusion. She was about to ask him the reason of the sudden display of affection when he pulled her towards him and hugged her tightly, making her even more baffled than she already was.

Isabelle blinked quickly as she tried to understand the reason behind his enthusiasm but she couldn't think of anything that would make him so happy. Since she couldn't understand the source of his happiness, she decided to do what he did and hugged him back.

"Scorpius," she mumbled as she closed her eyes, momentarily enjoying the contact. She heard him hum in response, and so, she continued. "Not that I'm complaining, but what's the reason you are so happy?"

He chuckled lightly as he pulled back and grabbed her arm, a smile remaining on his lips as he watched her. "Come. I'll tell you somewhere that's more private."

Isabelle didn't protest in any way as she let him lead her away from the Transfiguration classroom and to the higher floor of the castle. She recognised the route he took as the one leading to the Room of Requirement, and as he stopped at the dead end in front of a blank wall and paced in front of it three times, she couldn't help but smile at the sight of the wooden door that appeared. Scorpius stole a look behind him at her before pushing the doors open and getting in the room, Isabelle following after him.

She had to blink in order to adjust to the change of light, as she found herself in a grassy small plain with a tree in the middle, what appeared to be the light of the sun coming from somewhere she couldn't exactly pinpoint. She followed Scorpius to the tree and as he sat down at its roots, she did the same.

"I don't think there's a more private place than this," she mused as she looked around her before turning to face him once again. "So? Why are you so happy?"

"Cassidy found me at Defence Against the Dark Arts," he explained as he looked down at her, his smile widening. "She told me what happened at the Hufflepuff table this morning."

She nodded, realising what he meant immediately. "Of course she told you about the argument, she did seem to enjoy it."

"I certainly enjoyed hearing about it," he admitted as he turned to her, a wide smile forming on his lips once again. "It was great, Belle! The only time I had seen you get angry was that time all these months ago but listening to Cassidy about how you put Garry back in his place was incredible! Perhaps you should consider being angry with others more often, preferably at times when I could stay back and watch the scene?"

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