Chapter 12 - "Shopping"

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That week was the longest week of school Chanyeol ever had to sit through. The thought of Baekhyun being all alone in the apartment made him worry making the minutes turn into hours. Each lunch time was spent in the computer lads attempting to hack the school system, with not much success, so that baekhyun wouldn't have to be loney.

"I thought you said you were good at hacking" Chanyeol said at Friday lunch time, watching as Sehun was desperately trying to guess something.

"No i said i could hack doesn't mean i have to be good at it." Sehun replied sassily. Chanyeol sighed and walked over to Kai who was staring out the window.

"Watch ya doing" Chanyeol asked.

"Nothing much" he sighed. Chanyeol followed his gaze to see where he was looking and with no suprise it was at Kyungsoo. The boy was sitting on a bench under at tree quitely reading. "How can someone be so perfect" Kai sighed again.

The rest of the day went by slowly as usual but at lest it was friday meaning Chanyeol could spend the whole weekend with Baekhyun and have no disturbance.

When the final bell rang through the school Chanyeol was up and out the classroom before anyone else. He passed through groups of people amd colleting in the hallways exchanging plans for the weekend. Chanyeol sped past the groups of giggling girls grouping at the gates of the school hoping to catch a glimes of some hot guy.

Chanyeol didn't care though and in no time at all Chanyeol was fumbling for his houses keys out of breath from running so far. As quickly as he could Chanyeol opened the door and called into the quite apartment, "I'm home"

Panic momentarily filled Chanyeols heart as the apartment stayed still but soon enough a smiling Baekhyun appered to greet Chanyeol.

"Hi Chanyeol" Baekhyun smiled. Chanyeol let out a small sigh of relief and takes off his shoes.

"How was your day?" Chanyeol asked stepping intot he apartment and head for the fridge.

"Pretty boreding, watched this drama called 'Star of the universe' it was really good but ended to soon" Baekhyun said placing his head on hands and watching Chanyeol raid the fridge.

"Hmm." Chanyeol mumbled in replied. "Were nearly out of food, looks like were gonna have to go shopping over the weekend."

"REALLY" Baekhyun said eye ls sparkling with the idea. Chanyeol let out a small chuckle at the smaller.

"While were there we might want to you some clothes as well" Baekhyun nodded in excitement and skipped round the living room. Chanyeol smiled at the sight, Baekhyun being happy made him happy and he wanted nothing else.

"Chanyeol wake up!" Baekhyun shook the older trying to wake him up. "Chanyeol" he whined sitting back pouting.

"Mmmm five more minutes" Chanyeol mumbled rolling over.

"You said that five minutes ago now lets go i want to go shopping" Baekhyun whined kicking the taller in the back. Chanyeol groaned and rolled over again and pulled the duvet over his head. Baekhyun sighed and sat on top of the gaint. The gaint gave a small grunt when he felt the weight of the smaller. Baekhyun smiled at the fact he had some effect on the taller amd leaned forward. Aa he did so Chanyeol pulled down the duvet from over his eyes.

There was a moment of silence as Baekhyun's face got a bit to close to Chanyeols. Nether said anything but just stared into each others eyes. A red flush slowly crepted up Baekhyuns face. Baekhyun quickly moved off Chanyeol and headed to the kitchen to hide his burning face.

Chanyeol lay in bed in shock of what just happened. A small smile came over his face a the thought of the moment. Finally he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready.

Around 30 minutes later the pair was walking down the street heading for the town center. Baekhyun was a wearing one of Chanyeols jumpers which fell to his thighs making him look even smaller.

"Thinking about it this is your first time see the town" Chanyeol said looking down at the smaller. Baekhyun nodded in reply and continued to look around. It was a bright day, clear skys with a gentle breeze rustling though the trees. The sight filled Baekhyun with happiness, it was nice to walk down a street and feel the wind in his hair. Baekhyun appreciated every moment he had on earth because he never new when it would end.

"So where do you want to go first" Chanyeol asked. Baekhyun studied the mall they were in, it was well lit with lots of colourful shops. Families, couples and friends strolled around the mall laughing at jokes and exchanging stories.

"Mmmm how about that one" Baekhyun said pointing at River Island.

"Sure" Chanyeol replied. A big smile filled Baekhyun as he grabed chanyeols writs and pulled him towards the shop.

One thing that Chanyeol discovered about Baekhyun was he looked good in everything, and when i say everything i mean EVERYTHING. From baggy jumpers to ripped jeans Baekhyun would come out of the changing room looking flawless. Each time there would be a small group of shop assistants would crowd round the changing room waiting for Baekhyun to appear and everytime Chanyeols breath would be taken away and his heart felt like it was about to jump from his chest.

During this time Kai's words from Friday "how can someone look so perfect". That was a good question, how can someone look so perfect. How can one person try on everything in a shop and look amazing in everything. How can someone not have a single flaw on them and still be human.

These thoughts swam through Chanyeols head all day but little did he know that the small sliver haired boy beside him was thinking the same thing.

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