~ Topic Marker 은/는 vs 이/가 Subject Marker
As we know that ‘은/는’ and ‘이/가’ are both ‘Subject Particles’ in which ‘은/는’ in general meaning ‘as for (noun)’ or ‘with regards to (noun)’ in English and it can be used in many ways.
‘이/가’ are subject particles. Their function is to indicate the subject in a Korean sentence. Particles are attached directly to nouns.
Q: 아버지가 교수입니까? [Is your father a professor?]
~가 – in 아버지 emphasizes the subject “father”. If the father is a “professor”.
+ 아버지 (a-beo-ji) father
+ 교수 (gyu-su) professor
A: 아니요, 아버지는 교수가 아닙니다. [No, my father is not a professor.]
+ 아니요 (a-ni-yo) no
+아닙니다 from the base form 아니다 meaning ‘to be not’
Now, you notice that the ~는 is now used for 아버지 which implies that ‘아버지’ is now the topic of the sentence and ~가 is being connected now to ‘교수’ and it implies now as the subject with the negative reply for ‘아닙니다’ .
~은/는 stressed the general facts and,
~이/가 confirms the facts. Firsthand information.
Learn Korean , Learn 한굴 by Hwal-wal
No FicciónThis book is all about learning korean personally and some of the lessons are made by me base on my studies and other is by the help of some korean links or korean vlog.