안녕하세요!이야기 첫 번재 시간입니다 내 책 친구들에게 투표해 주세요.
Hopefully you'll like this book and please vote this book fighting! Don't lost hope don't just sit their you must strive more 아라서?•Here's some tips!
Tip: don't just learn korean from one source. try going to multiple sources to check if the words are correct. also don't take anyones word on translates. you have to look them up. some people might misguide you, or may have incorrect information.Tip: the only true way to learn a language is so speak it. try speaking korean with your korean friends. or go to a korean restaurant and order or start a conversation in korean.
Tip: don't be afraid to make mistakes while learning korean. part of learning is making mistakes (not on purpose). from mistakes people learn how to say or do things correctly next time.
Tip: One of the most importing things you need to know is have patience. Remember no one can master anything in one day. it takes determination. also remember to have fun learning korean. it makes the time go by faster and also keeps you interested. we don't remember things well that bore us. SO HAVE FUN Learning Korean.
-Put down in the comment section your daily routine in learning korean and some tactics you do maybe it will help some friends learning korean too!.
Learn Korean , Learn 한굴 by Hwal-wal
NonfiksiThis book is all about learning korean personally and some of the lessons are made by me base on my studies and other is by the help of some korean links or korean vlog.