Arriving In Korea

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"Kristin wake up we gotta get out of the airplane!"someone yelled.I slowly opened my eyes and saw my mother staring straight into them."We're here,get your luggage let's go."she said.

Finally,I realized that we landed in South Korea.Then,I took my luggage down from one of the compartments that was above my seat, being careful not to throw it down.I rest it on the ground and looked at my mother signalling that I was ready to get off the plane.We dragged our suitcases out of the airplane and in front of Incheon International airport.We stopped for a while to admire Korea's beauty.

"Wow it's beautiful."I said while looking at the blue sky that was filled with white,puffy clouds.The sun streamed down in harsh rays while the gentle wind blew strands of my hair into the air."Let's go inside now and check in."my mother said with a warm smile.

We walked inside,checked in and went to the food court and looked for something to satisfy our hunger.After we ate,my mother got a phonecall.From what she was saying,I could've tell that it was Uncle Bang, inquiring where were we.

Suddenly,a tall figure approached us,it was Uncle Bang."Oh how I missed you guys!"he said while greeting us with warm hugs."We haven't seen each other for years,you've changed a lot!"my mum said.He pat my head and said excitedly,"Wow, someone has grown a lot!"

After that,we finally walked out of the airport and into my uncle's BMW."Wow he's rich."I laughed to myself.We sat inside and he started the car and took off with speed.All throughout the ride,they were talking about how much they missed each other and some their childhood memories.Of course I was annoyed and wanted to sleep.

Finally,we arrived in front of this huge mansion.We drove into the garage and came out of the car."Oh my goodness,this house is bigger than my imagination!"I thought to myself.The maids took our luggage out of the car trunk and carried it into the house.

"Welcome to my house,I hope you can make yourselves at home!"Uncle Bang said in an excited voice.He then took us into his mansion.

As I stepped foot into the house,my eyes widened looking at the interior."Wow,this is amazing,I can't believe I'll be living here from now on!"I thought to myself.From the huge,velvet couch set,to maids and other things we didn't have in our house back in New York,it really felt like a dream.

Uncle Bang then led us upstairs,I couldn't express my happiness to be here!"So there are 10 rooms in my house,you can take whatever room you want and make it your own,have a great night."he said while giving us a bright smile.My heart was pounding with excitement when I heard that.

Next,I found a random room and decided to make it mine since I was really tired and just wanted to close my eyes.The kind maid brought my luggage into my room then I thanked her.Immediately after, I fell onto the comfortable,king sized bed and fell asleep,not caring about dinner.

The next morning~
I woke up to the beautiful chirping of the birds,it was so peaceful.I sat up and said,"I'm so excited to see around the house today!With my eyes half way opened,I made my way to the bathroom.I washed my face with water to be fully awake.

Then,I got back into the bedroom and took out my outfit for the day and my toothbrush.After doing my business,I went downstairs to have breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning my dear."my mother and uncle said in sync.I replied,"Good morning,"with a smile.I sat at the table that could fit at least fifteen people and began eating pancakes that my mother cooked for us.

"So today I was thinking that Kristin and you could come to my office to see it."he said to my mother while eating."That's a great idea, Kristin, when you're done with eating,get ready to go to his office."my mother said.I nodded and quickly finished the leftover pieces of pancake that were on the glass plate."We'll be waiting downstairs for you!"my uncle shouted as I ran upstairs.

I grabbed a small purse of mine and threw my phone into it,ran downstairs and sat in the car.Then,we drove off,to our destination,Uncle Bang's office.

Author's note:
Hello:-)I hope you are enjoying this fanfic do far.Feel free to leave comments,thank you:-)

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