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Author's POV
Jungkook was in a terrible condition,he forgot about little Jeongsan.He just cried and cried and cried.He held himself responsible for Kristin's current condition and every terrible thing she went through.

Do know how it is to feel regretful and at fault?! This isn't any ordinary love story,this is an unique and a very strong bond.Being away your loved one will make you miserable,won't it?Jungkook was Kristin's everything and Kristin was Jungkook's everything,they're each other's happiness,each other's support...

Meanwhile,Jimin was in Kristin's hospital room with Jeonsang.They were pretty worried about Kristin too and wouldn't leave her side.Jungkook finally gathered some courage and went back to Kristin's room.
End of Author's POV

Jungkook's POV
After I finally controlled myself,I went back to Kristin's room.I walked in,to see a worried Jimin hyung and Jeonsang."Can you give us some privacy please."I asked hyung.He nodded and lifted Jeonsang up."By us,I mean including Jeonsang."I said coldly.He slightly smiled and put Jeonsang down,I mouthed a 'thank you' and he left.I sat on the chair next to Kristin's bed and smiled just by admiring her face.I secured some loose hair behind her ear and pecked her lips.

"Uncle,what are you doing?!"Jeogsan panicked. Should I tell him?! I ignored him and changed the subject,"Where do you live?"I asked."Around the corner,in my eomma's house,do you know her?"he questioned.Suddenly,my phone rang,it was Mr.Bang.

*On the phone*
Mr.Bang:Which hospital is she in?!
Me:'Xxxxxxx' hospital.
Mr.Bang:Okay,her mother and I will be there soon.
*End of call*

"That's my eomma!"Jeongsan shouted.The little boy pointed at my phone screen,my wallpaper was a picture of Kristin and I. I jumped by his sudden shouting,nodded and he spoke again,"Uncle,you didn't answer my question,who are to my eomma,why do you have a picture of you and her?!" I didn't know what to do,he thinks hyung is his appa,maybe I should just 'spill the beans',I couldn't even stand Jeongsan calling him that."We don't wanna disturb eomma don't we,we'll wake her up,let her sleep."I whispered."Oh no,sorry eomma!"he giggled softly.I laughed and he sat onto the couch.

"Our son is so smart!"I whispered to Kristin.I wish she could've hear me,I wish she could've seen me,I wish she could've forgive me...Suddenly the door opened,it revealed Kristin's uncle,mother and the rest of BTS."Oh no,how is she doing?!"her mother ran up to me."She's fallen into coma."I informed plainly."Why didn't I trust my daughter,I knew she could've done those type of stuff,I haven't seen in her in years!"she sobbed.After hearing that heartbreaking news,Ms.Kim dropped to the ground.

The truth was revealed to everyone,they all regretted their actions and hurtful words.The silent room was now filled with crying and sorrow.I looked to the direction Jeonsang was in,he was fast asleep on the couch.I held Ms.Kim's hand and carried her to the couch."This is your grandson."I whispered.Her mood immediately changed,she smiled brightly and caressed my son's hair."Looks just like the father."she smiled.I nodded and shifted my attention to Mr.Bang.He wanted to know the story behind all of this.

We stepped out and I explained everything thoroughly,he felt really bad and regretful,so did I."I'll visit her tomorrow again,we'll be going home now."he said.I nodded and watched them as they left,"Aren't you coming home too?"Jimin hyung asked."No,I'll stay here until Kristin wakes up."I said."But-I interrupted Jimin hyung and repeated my sentence.He sighed and they left for home since it was already 7:28 p.m.The time flew so fast,a lot happened today.I met my girlfriend after 3 years but this incident happened and I met my son.

I snapped back into reality and I sat on the floor next to Kristin's bed.I held her hand tightly when I noticed something,that gold bracelet.It was one of the couple's bracelet that I gave her,I had the other one.I looked at my left hand,I didn't even realize that I still had it on my wrist,I'm so used to it.The letters 'J&K' shone brightly as the lights reflected on it.She never removed it...such a loyal partner...and me...the total opposite."I just want you to wake up so I can hear your laugh again,see your beautiful smile again,I wish."I whispered to her.A while later,my eyes started to close,then,I fell asleep.

~The next morning~

Jungkook's POV
I woke up with a pain in my neck,"Ah,"I groaned as I got off the floor which I slept on.I checked on Kristin to see if there was any movement but there was none.I jumped on the couch where my little boy was sleeping.He stretched lazily and called out to his eomma."Oh I'm sorry I didn't want to wake you up."I said as I face palmed myself."Uncle, what are you doing here,where is eomma?!"he panicked.I pointed the bed and told Jeonsang that she was still asleep.

"That's weird,she doesn't sleep that much but when she does,she has nightmares and always yells the name,'Jungkook'.My eyes widened,she used to think about me?! I thought she hated me?! Time passed quickly,Mr.Bang and her mother came to visit her again.Jimin hyung carried Jeonsang out for lunch,I'm happy he did,I don't want to starve him,I'm not getting out of this room until Kristin wakes up,she has to! I haven't eaten since yesterday morning,I don't feel hungry though,how can I eat in this condition?!

After everyone was gone,Kristin and I were finally in the room together,alone,no Mr.Bang,no Jimin hyung,no Jeongsan.Oh how I wished she would just wake up somehow!I'm not gonna leave here until she wakes up,if I have to stay here forever I will! I don't want anything to happen to her,she's been through so much already! I just wish some miracle could take place.I yearned for her love,I could say this a million times,she's my life,my everything,my happiness,my stress reliever,no one would understand...

I kissed her forehead and intertwined my hands with hers.I closed my eyes and spoke from my heart,"Kim Kristin,please wake up,I can't bare to see you in this condition,I don't want anything to happen to you,I wanna apologize for every bad thing that I've done,please wake up,we can start our lives afresh,our little family,I promise to make you happy,please wake up." I didn't even realize I was crying,I try to act strong but I'm not.Men are allowed to cry to,there's no other way that I can express my feelings,I'm not good at those kinda stuff.I couldn't take it anymore,I cried myself to sleep...
End of Jungkook's POV

*Time skip,two weeks later*

Jungkook's POV
Two weeks has passed and she still hasn't waken up,moved or flinch a bit.I haven't stepped foot out of this room either,I'll be waiting for the day when she wakes up.Jeongsan hasn't come here since last week Monday,we know he'll be worried so he's staying with Jimin hyung.Mr.Bang was kind to buy my food and deliver it to me.Memories of Kristin and I feeding each other ran through my mind.I missed those times,even though she's with me,she isn't...I always talked to her whenever my eyes land on her,of course there was no reply but,just by seeing her,my heart races and I'm filled with happiness.

I quickly finished my food and rest it down on the table."Ugh,I'm so full!"I laughed.I held Kristin's hand and spoke about some memories we had together."We can make new ones baby,you just need to wake up,please."I said as I buried my face into the bed's white bedsheets.I felt my eyes closing,I allowed them to,I feel so tired these days.Suddenly,I felt my hand moving,I was not the one moving it though...

Forcefully,I opened my eyes and was shocked to see what was happening."Kristin!"I yelled.She held my right hand tightly,her hands were moving,her fingers trembled.My face lit up,I gently removed her hand from mine and dashed outside to call a doctor."Doctor,the patient's awake!"I yelled at the top of my lungs.I heard something that made me turn around.
"Jungkook!"she yelled.I ran into the room to see a trembling Kristin sitting on the bed breathing heavily.My eyes widened,I ran towards her.
End of Jungkook's POV

To be continued......

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