A Day At BigHit Entertainment

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I slowly opened my eyes and checked to see the time on my phone,"8:10",I read aloud while I lazily got out of my comfortable bed.I let out a big yawn and went to the bathroom to do my business.

After brushing my teeth and showering,I hurried downstairs for breakfast.My stomach was growling because I didn't eat dinner last night.

As I walked into the tiled kitchen,the aroma of eggs and bacon being cooked were smelt by starving me."Good morning,"I said while entering the kitchen.Uncle Bang and my mum replied with a smile.

When she was done with cooking,I helped her carry the delicious food to the eating table and sat down to eat.While plating my food,Uncle Bang was discussing what were we going to do today.

"So today I was thinking that I could get Kristin admitted into one of Korea's best college while you guys get familiar with BigHit Entertainment, BTS and the staff since you'll be there very often."Uncle Bang said to my mother and I.We nodded and finished our remaining breakfast.

We all got ready and got into the car and headed to BigHit Entertainment.Uncle Bang dropped my mother and I off then went to arrange my admission in the college.We took the elevator to the third floor and entered the practice room we came into yesterday because there was loud music playing and we were curious of what was going on inside.

When we entered inside,I swore I heard the voice of an angel singing.Someone with the sweetest voice I've ever heard was singing their heart out,I'm really impressed.

"Looks like they're practicing their new song,it sounds great!"I said excitedly to my mother.When they were done singing,we clapped proudly,"Well done boys!"we said in sync.

"Hello,I'm so happy to see you again, thank you so much."Namjoon said happily."This is my mother,"I said to BTS.They all bowed to her and smiled."Who was singing so sweetly at the ending of the song?"I inquired."Ah,that was me,thank you."Jungkook said shyly while rubbing the back of his neck.

Kristin POV
So it was Jungkook,who else would it be?I laughed to myself.Nice face,nice hair,nice body,nice voice.I shyly smiled to myself.I looked up and saw a shy Jungkook who was still in front of me.Omg!What if he saw me smiling?!He may think I was smiling at him!Well done Kristin,I thought while letting out a soft sigh.
End of Kristin's POV

Jungkook POV
I was still in front of Kristin because I didn't know what to do.She was smiling at me! Then,she let out a soft sigh, what was wrong?Her face was red a like a riped tomato.Namjoon hyung then hit me with his elbow signalling me to stand next to him,which I did next.
End of Jungkook's POV

Suddenly,a member of staff came into the air conditioned room and called my mother outside.I took this opportunity to know more about the boys.I asked them a lot of questions of how they became a group and general information.

A few minutes later we were laughing together at dad jokes that Seokjin oppa made.We all exchanged phone numbers because of how close of friends we knew that we were about to become.

"I'm so happy that we got to know about you!"Hoseok oppa said in an excited tone of voice."Same here,I hope we can hang out together whenever you guys get time."I said while smiling from ear to ear.

The door opened again revealing my mother who said,"I'm so sorry to break up your guys' conversation but we have to go now."my mum said.We waved them goodbye and made our way out of the room when Jimin and Jungkook followed us outside.

"Umm,tomorrow I was wondering if you can hang out with us since we'll be having a two day break,we can go anywhere you wish."Jimin said while giving me a cute smile.I replied yes obviously because who wouldn't want to hang out with these cool guys?I smiled at Jimin then looked at Jungkook.He was giving Jimin a death glare,I wonder why?

We bowed at them,then,went downstairs,where Uncle Bang was waiting patiently for us.We jumped into the car and headed home."Kristin,I've organized your business and you'll be going to 'XXX' college, starting from next week."Uncle Bang smiled.I thanked him and dozed off to sleep.

A few minutes later,we arrived home.I quickly made my way upstairs and changed into comfy clothing.I turned on the 72 inch flat screen television and watched a movie on Netflix.

Halfway into the movie,my phone vibrated.I picked up my phone and saw that I received a message from an unknown number."Who could this be?"I said aloud.

Unknown number:Hey what are you doing?
Me:Hey I'm watching a movie,who is this?
Unknown number: Sounds nice,it's Jimin!
Me:Ohh,Jimin!I should've saved your number,I'll do so now.What are you doing?
Jimin:Ah it's okay! I'm talking to you since I'm bored,lol.Your profile picture is really nice,you're really beautiful btw:-)
Me:Thank you:-)

Kristin POV
Uhhh,what does he want I'm in the middle of watching this enjoyable movie!He keeps asking me a lot questions!He says I'm beautiful,haha,I don't see beauty of this potato face of mine,I laughed aloud to myself.But I really want to know what does he want!!!I said in anger.
End of Kristin's POV

Jimin keeps on messaging me so I decided to ignore him,I've had enough.I then continued watching the action packed movie.After the movie ended I decided to go to sleep,after all I had a day full of excitement with the boys tomorrow.I drifted fast asleep.

Author's note:
Hello,I hope you all are enjoying this fanfiction so far:-) I'm sorry if there's any spelling and grammar errors:-(
Thank you for reading!I hope you continue to do so❤

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