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I woke up to the beautiful chirping of the birds outside.It was Thursday,new day,new events.I did my morning routine and wore casual clothes and put my hair into a high ponytail.

Then,I went downstairs for breakfast.I wished everyone a good morning and sat at the table,waiting patiently to be served breakfast.Finally,the maids served breakfast,sausages and scrabbled eggs.

While I was enjoying the scrumptious food,Uncle Bang,who had already finished his food,sat up and said to my mother,"I'd like to tell you and Kristin something important along with BTS."We nodded in agreement and quickly 'cleaned our plates.'We went to the garage where the car was parked and sat and waited for Uncle Bang.

Soon he came and we sped off,our destination,BigHit Entertainment.During the ride,I thought of what Uncle Bang wanted to tell my mum,BTS and I.I scratched my head in confusion.Eventually,we arrived at the building.We came out of the car,into the elevator to the third floor and into BTS' practice room.

"Good morning."we all said in sync.BTS bowed and replied while giving us bright smiles.We walked into the room and sat at the table that BTS and I ate at yesterday."Okay,I have something to tell you all."Uncle Bang said."Kristin,remember I asked you to clean the office for me the other day because I had to organize something for BTS?"he asked.I did a quick flash back to that day,it was the day Jungkook kissed me..."Um,yeah I remember,what were you organizing for BTS?"I questioned.

"Okay,so BTS' dorm is currently being renovated and they'll need somewhere to stay for a while."he said slowly."Hurry up and say what you wanna say!"I said to myself in anger."They can't stay at their parents houses because they live very far away from BigHit and BTS have a special performance for their fans in a few days."he continued."So BTS will be staying at my house for two months or until their dorm is finished."he said excitedly."Any problems?"he questioned.We nodded in agreement to having no problems.I lied,I had a MAJOR problem.

Whyyyy????I asked myself.Before Uncle Bang and my mother left the room he said,"You'll be moving in Saturday,be productive today!"he smiled then left the room along with my mother.

ARE MY EARS DECIVING ME?!What I just heard is true?!No way,it can't be!!!

Jungkook's POV
ARE MY EARS DECIVING ME?!What I just heard is true?!No way,it can't be!!!
I was engulfed with excitement.This way,I could get closer to Kristin...and tell her what I've been feeling these days...
End of Jungkook's POV

"We're gonna be living under the same roof now?"Jimin smirked at me."What the hell!"I thought to myself.Taehyung hit Jimin playfully on the back,they all laughed."Anyway it's gonna be fun, we'll get to know each other more"Yoongi said.We all nodded in agreement."Come on guys,we gotta practice!"Namjoon said.They all got up for their seats and started warming up their voices."Are you guys gonna sing?!"I said excitedly.Hoseok nodded while giving me a smile that was 'brighter than my future'.

Soon,they began singing.I love to hear them sing,they're voices are heavenly.As they began singing,the room immediately transformed into heaven. Taehyung sang his line,his deep voice was truly amazing,I got goosebumps.Jungkook then sang his line."Love is not over,over,over."he sang beautifully while staring right into my eyes,I stared back into his dreamy eyes.We stared into each other's eyes for a solid minute,it didn't feel so,it felt like forever...His pure,angelic voice was all I needed and more...He takes my breath away...The song eventually ended.

"Kristin?"Namjoon oppa said while waving his left,veiny hands in front of my face to get my attention.I snapped back into reality."Oh wow,you did wonderful,your voices' are so angelic and sweet!"I said to him while looking at Jungkook.Jungkook noticed I was looking at him and looked at me and smiled sweetly.I quickly looked at Namjoon again,I felt to 'burry my head in the sand',I felt my face burning up with embarrassment.

Unexpectedly,the door flew opened revealing one of the members of staff.She said that Uncle Bang were calling BTS.In the 'blink of an eye',they left the room one by one, leaving me alone.I grew bored so I decided to listen to music.I plugged my earphones into the headphone jack in my phone and soon began feeling sleepy.I gave out a big yawn and before I could've take off my music,my eyes closed on me.

Jungkook's POV
Namjoon hyung forgot his phone in our practice room that had important information in it so he sent me to get it for him.I pushed open the door to see a sleeping Kristin on a chair.She looked so cute and peaceful while sleeping.I passed in front her ensuring not to wake her up.I grabbed hyung's iPhone from the table and walked in front Kristin again.She then moved a little off the chair,she was about to fall!

'Faster than lightening',I caught her,then I put her back onto the chair.Thank goodness I caught her in time!Some strands of her long hair were in her face.I carefully moved it and secured it behind her right ear as I smiled to myself.I took off her earphones from her ears when Jimin hyung called out to me.I quickly left the room,I was smiling like crazy.
End of Jungkook's POV

After a great nap,I woke up.I noticed that my earphones we're removed from ears,whatever.I checked the time,5:32 p.m,almost time to get out of this place.Next,I went to Uncle's office,to my surprise,BTS were still there.'Quiet as a mouse',I made my way into the office without disturbing them.As I sat onto a cushioned chair,I saw Jungkook glancing at me.Soon later,they wrapped up what they were discussing.

"Let's go home now!"Uncle Bang said happily.We waved BTS goodbye then my mum,Uncle Bang and I went downstairs and into the car.He sped off,our destination,home!

As we arrived home,I told my mother I'd be skipping dinner and then I wished them a goodnight.I made my way to my room and changed into my Gucci pajamas."Ah,I'm so tired!"I said while getting ready for bed.Suddenly,my phone vibrated,I got a message from Jimin."Uhhhhh,what does he want!"I said angrily while opening the text.

Jimin: Goodnight:-) Next week:-)

Me: Goodnight.

I was confused what he meant by 'next week' but then I remembered they were moving in next week,sigh,I took off the lights then closed my eyes.

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