Are My Eyes Deciving Me?!

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Jungkook's POV
I turned off the lights and fell flat to my bed.I twisted and turned but I couldn't fall asleep.I missed her,I really did.I sat up in frustration and thought about what Jimin hyung told me."How could you leave her,she's pregnant,did you forget?!"he yelled.No,how could I forget that she was pregnant.When I'm mad I just do stupid stuff without thinking.I don't regret what I did though,she needs to pay for her wrong actions,I didn't know why she did that,I didn't expect it.I just missed her company,her presence...What am I saying?!Who would miss their mother's murderer?!Sigh.Get it together Jungkook!I forced myself to close my eyes and soon I fell asleep.I didn't know where the time went,it was 5:37 a.m.
End of Jungkook's POV

Suddenly,I woke up with a massive headache.I turned on my phone to check the time,it was 6 a.m,I craved strawberry cheesecake."Reminds me of the time I craved ice cream at midnight,I actually had someone to get it for me."I whispered and laughed.I sighed and decided to wake up earlier than usual.I showered and changed into my usual clothing."Oh no,I forgot to call Jimin and tell him that I arrived!"I shouted.I quickly dialed his number,he instantly picked up.

*On the phone*
Me:Good morning!I'm so sorry I didn't call earlier,I forget,I'm in New York!
Jimin:Good morning!It's fine.
Me:How is Jungkook?
Jimin:He's okay I guess.
Me:Okay,please take of him!
Jimin:Don't worry,I will but please take please take care of yourself!
Me:I will,bye!
*End of call*

Then,I decided to go to the grocery store that was right around the corner,I had nothing to eat.I went there and bought all that I needed to make breakfast,lunch and dinner.When I came back,I made myself breakfast and after I unpacked my luggage.Then,I cleaned the house and made it look new again.

*Time skip,one week later*

Kristin's POV
It's been one week,one whole week in New York.I don't know how I made it through this week,I stayed indoors for the seven days.I really missed my mother,my biggest supporter in everything that I did.Most of all,I missed my boyfriend,I'm not sure if I even have the right to call him my 'boyfriend' anymore.Why did I thought that he would fall for me and love me?!I'm just a worthless,ugly piece of crap!Was he just playing with my heart?!He knew that he was the first person I ever loved so first first boyfriend...Why did he love me?!Did he really love me?!Why me?!
End of Kristin's POV

Jungkook's POV
It's been one week,one whole week since that incident happened.I don't know how I got through the week but luckily,I did.Jimin hyung and I physically fought many times last week over what Kristin did.I couldn't believe we actually fought physically,he kept telling how I will regret what I did,I did not want to believe him,I'm tired of telling him how I saw it with my own eyes,he doesn't understand.It all started with a normal conversation,then it turned into an argument then grew into a fight.

Did Jimin hyung know something that I didn't know?!No matter the situation,he would always stand up for me,whether I'm right or wrong.What did he know?!What will I regret later?!Will I really regret my decision?!But I saw it with my own eyes!Is there more to that tragic incident?! I didn't know why I loved Kristin so much.She's just different form the others...she may act cold sometimes but...sigh...I guess I loved and trusted her too much,she betrayed me...she made me regret meeting her...

Let's not go back to the past,let's keep our focus in the present.I decided to sell my mother's house in Seoul,it had no use,no one lived in it.I got some people who were interested to buy it and today was the day that I'd remove all the furniture from the house so the new owners can make it theirs.My hyungs were kind enough to help me remove the furniture,expect Yoongi and Jimin hyung,he's always sleeping and well,I expected Jimin not to help me.The five of us made our way to the house and got ready to work.Taehyung and Hoseok hyung helped took out the couch set and put it temporarily outside.Namjoon hyung took down all the pictures frames and things my mother used to beautify her house.Jin  hyung and I removed the furniture from the upstairs bedrooms and living room,it was hard work.

After that,I dealt with the televisions and those kinda stuff.Carefully,I unplugged the living room television and carried it to a safe place.Next,I went upstairs to check the computer that was hooked up to the camera in the living room.I was about to unplug it when something caught my attention."24/04/2013."it read.Looks like it was a camera recording from last week.I clicked on the video and watched it.I saw three girls in the video,who were they?I couldn't see their faces because they're backs we're faced to the camera.One of the girl had a gun.Where is this from?!24/04/2013,that was the exact date that my mother died.

Another girl was fighting the girl who had the gun in her hand.I couldn't hear what they were saying either.The girl who was fighting for the gun had blood all over her hands.What is this?!The girl turned around,I was shocked to see who it was.My mouth dropped,is that Kristin?!I continued watching the video,suddenly the girl who had the weapon in her hand,loudly yelled my name.My eyes widened as I saw a familiar lady making her way into the frame.Mum?!What is this?!!The female holding the gun then turned around...KARA?!I gasped.

She pulled the trigger and a gunshot was clearly heard.Kara then shoved the gun into a weeping Kristin's hands and Kara and the next girl who looked like Anisa,fled the scene.I then came running into the scene...Are my eyes deceiving me?!I held my mother into my shivering arms...Is this the other part of the story?!Is this the truth?!

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