Not Today!

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Jungkook's POV
I went to sleep and woke up an hour later.The other hyungs and I had to get up early to organize our fans' special stage event.It's theme is 'Love',seems like Valentine's day themed at the ending of August.In a few days is my birthday, I'll be 20 soon.I freshened up and went downstairs for breakfast.
End of Jungkook's POV

During the past hour,I watched Kdramas because I couldn't fall back asleep.I felt very joyous,for some reason.I checked the time,it was 7:30 a.m.I made my way to my bathroom,did my morning routine and wore something 'eye-catching' since I wanted to impress someone special and steal his heart.

After putting on some cute clothing,I headed out of my room."Hm,you have great timing."Jungkook said as he closed his bedroom door.I nodded and we laughed then went downstairs for breakfast.We sat down next to each other like last night,at dinner.The remaining of the BTS members then joined us and sat at the table.I wished everyone a good morning and waited patiently for the maids to serve breakfast.I looked at Jimin but he didn't look back at me,he would usually do so,what have I done?! I'm so selfish!

Breakfast was finally served,"Pancakes!"Jungkook and I shouted excitedly in sync.We looked at each other and laughed."You're still kids!"Uncle Bang laughed,the others joined in,except Jimin.We were eating in silence until my knife accidentally fell onto the white,shiny tiles,making a soft crashing sound.I bent down to get my knife but someone's Timberlands mashed my knife.I look up and saw Jungkook smirking.

"Get your foot off my knife!"I demanded while whispering.He shook his head from side to side while smiling wickedly.I could tell he did that on purpose."Everything okay there?"Uncle Bang enquired.Quickly, Jungkook removed his boots from my knife and I picked it up."Yes,why wouldn't it be."I replied to my concerned uncle with a fake smile.I then watched Jungkook with a death glare,he just giggled.

After we ate,Uncle Bang told everyone to get ready for the special event.Everyone went to their rooms and got dressed.I entered my room and took my short,fleecy,red dress out of my walk through closet.I put it on and styled my hair beautifully.Light makeup was put on by me,I didn't want to overdress.When I was done,I went and sat on the velvet couch,in the living room and waited for everyone to finish dress.

A few minutes passed and finally BTS,my mum and uncle came downstairs.My heart was beating 'faster than a cheater runs' when I saw Jungkook in that black suit again.Everyone looked so sharp, especially Jungkook."You all look amazing,now let's go!"Uncle Bang excitedly said.While heading to the garage Jungkook walked beside me and said,Hey beautiful."I blushed and said,"Hey handsome."I replied shyly."Someone's falling for me."Jungkook smirked.I hit his back playfully and sat in the Mercedes Benz.I sat between Jungkook and Jimin.

Finally,we arrived at the venue,there were thousands of fans outside waiting to be let inside.Fans screamed while BTS quickly stepped out of the car.Bodyguards protected us until we made it inside the spacious building.BTS and I were backstage,they were preparing for their performance,I wished them good luck.I watched them back stage since I couldn't be in the crowd,their fans cheered loudly for them,what a great bond!They started singing,I felt like I was in heaven.

Hearts and more love related stuff were incorporated into the performance, love filled the environment.I listened closely when it was Jungkook's turn to sing.My ears were blessed,I imagined it was me he was singing to."Love is not over,over, over."he ended the song.After all those heart warming,touching songs,BTS bowed and ended the mini concert.All the staff and I clapped as a tired BTS came backstage.

"Well done!"we all shouted happily.BTS went to freshen up while I scrolled through Instagram.A few minutes later,I saw Jimin passing in front of me."You did great!"I yelled out to him trying to capture his attention.He was about to leave when I pulled his hand back,he seemed like he didn't want to talk to me."Look Jimin, I'm really sorry I refused your offer,is there anything I can do to make it up?"I said while staring at the ground."There is."he said as his facial expressions turned from unhappy to elated.

"What is it-,before I could've finished my sentence he cupped my cheeks and kissed me passionately.I froze in my spot,I didn't know what to do,I didn't kiss back though."I heard footsteps approaching us,I tried to push Jimin away but he deepened the kiss."PARK JIMIN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HER!"an angry voice shouted.He then pushed Jimin away from me and held my wrist tightly.I looked up and saw Jungkook who was engulfed with anger.

Jungkook then dragged me out of Jimin's sight and took me into their changing room.We entered the room and he let loose of my wrist,we were the only ones inside.He then took off his jacket in anger,beads of sweat ran down his veiny neck,his veins popped."Aren't you gonna ask if I'm okay?"I asked nervously."Of course you're okay, you're more than okay!"he yelled as his faced turned red."W-what do y-you mean?I stuttered,I was scared,I've never seen this side of Jungkook before."Don't pretend,you love him don't you, you're playing with my heart,one minute you say you love me,next minute you kiss Jimin?!"he exclaimed in frustration." Why me,I'm not a toy to be played with!" he sighed.

"I LOVE YOU KRISTIN I REALLY DO, SINCE DAY ONE!"he screamed into my face."I DON'T LOVE JIMIN,HE ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND BUT I SAID NO,YOU KNOW WHY BECAUSE I LOVE YOU,I ASKED IF THERE WAS ANYTHING I COULD DO TO MAKE HIM FEEL BETTER BECAUSE HE WAS SAD I REFUSED HIS OFFER,HE KISSED ME BEFORE I COULD'VE SPEAK,I DIDN'T KISS BACK,YOU KNOW WHY?" " BECAUSE I LOVE YOU JEON JUNGKOOK ONLY YOU!"I cried my heart out.I weakly fell onto a chair and cried."Why is love so hard?!"I asked myself. Jungkook looked at my and started to laugh."Why the hell are you laughing."I cried even more."Awe what have I done to my little Kristy."Jungkook said regretfully.I look at him confused.

"You see Kristy,this was all a prank,this is what you call payback!"he said laughing."What?!"I exclaimed."Okay,so I told Jimin how I really loved you and how he is a big problem for me because of how he loves you,he said he'll try to stop loving you and give me a chance,I told him to kiss you to see what you would've done,you passed you,truly loved me!"he said laughing hard."Oh my goodness, Jungkook,I was so angry!!!"I exclaimed with my arms crossed.Jungkook laughed loudly as he approached me and stroked his gentle hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry."he said still laughing."Ugh,I hate you!" I exclaimed."Yeah,hate is the new love."he smiled.I hit him playfully while he embraced me into his warm arms.I hugged him back tightly while he kissed my forehead,"I love you Kristy."he said."I love you too."I replied while smiling so widely."You better forget about how Jimin kissed you."he said annoyed."Why and how should I forget it?"I laughed."Like this."he said as he grabbed my face closer to his,his sweaty face a few inches away from mine."Not today Jeon Jungkook,not today."I laughed as I turned my head shyly,avoiding the kiss.

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